“Have we come to a decision?” I asked Key.
“We want to set up a trap. That way we can catch any of our suspects, in case it’s not McKee.”
“That’s a really good idea.” Respect where it was due. “What kind of trap? We don’t have anything to lure our UNSUB.”
Key made a face. “We’re trying to figure that out.”
“You have one thing,” Ian said, scratching Rufus’s head, which was now resting on his lap.
“What’s that, boss?” Shane asked.
Ian jutted his chin toward Key’s phone. “Ethan.”
Key looked at him in surprise, then realization dawned. “Ethan is their perfect scapegoat if someone suspects magic. But if Ethan blackmails whoever was sending him the messages, they might try to silence him.”
“He can say he has proof,” Shane agreed. “Our saboteur will be forced to act.”
“Act how?” Ethan asked.
I frowned, not liking the idea. “I’m not sure it’s safe.”
Everyone at the table stared at me blankly. Probably because it had been Ethan who had put everyone at risk by starting this whole magical revenge thing. Still, one shouldn’t pay a petty bad review with another bad review. It was just not done.
“Not safe?” Ethan repeated. “Wait, you guys think I might be in danger?”
“We can keep you away from wherever you’re staying now to make sure,” Key said. “Plus, we have the magic-detection potion to test stuff that looks suspicious.”
“You’ll be the bait,” Shane said. “Send a message through the app and that’s it.” He glanced at Ian. “What do you think, boss?”
“I’m not the ‘boss’ here,” Ian said, nodding toward Key. “She is.”
Key turned to me. “Hope?”
I smiled. “You heard him.”
“Why is nobody asking me?” Ethan demanded in a high-pitched voice. “I don’t want to die!”
“You’re not going to die, dude,” Alex said. “Plus, you’re the one who got yourself into this mess. Contribute a little.”
Wise words indeed. “What’s it going to be, Key?”
“We’ll try it,” she said with newfound determination. “We’ll figure out how to keep Ethan safe.”
“What about Officer Brooks?” Alex asked. “You were going to call her?”
“I don’t want to be involved with the police,” Ethan complained. “I’m not doing it. Nope.”
Shane rolled his eye. “We’ll call her only if needed.” He checked with Key, and she nodded. “If the person takes the bait, then we’ll bring her in.”
“I don’t like this,” Ethan said.
“Too bad,” Alex sing-sang. He rubbed his hands. “Let’s plan this out.”
Unfortunately, I wouldn’t be around for the planning. Standing, I gave them an apologetic smile. “Sorry, I have to go meet someone.”
“Really?” Key sounded crestfallen.
“You got this, boss.” With a thumbs-up, I left for the front of the house to grab my jacket and my shoes. Ian followed.