Page 83 of Bright Dark Curses

Two days to make the immunity potion. That meant it had to be ready tomorrow.

What was I going to do?

Fluffy pawed at my legs, and Rufus nudged my back. Feeling as if all the weight in the world was pressing down on my shoulders, I reached over and hugged them close. This was the worst. And to think just mere days ago I was on top of the world!

I had caught Hannah, I had stopped Bagley’s nefarious plans, we had put on the best Halloween tour ever, and Ian and my relationship had taken a huge leap forward.

And now…

The sadness was nearly overwhelming.

Moving Fluffy to my lap, I wiped my eyes and sent Ian a text: Free to talk?

After five minutes went by with no answer, I started typing another text: Please, it’s im?—

I stared at the screen for a couple of moments, then deleted the words. I was being needy while Ian was doing all this—taking care of Hannah—for me, to keep me and the shop safe. When he was able, he’d call, like he always did.

Absently petting Fluffy while I waited, I studied the shadowed walls of my empty, shadowed living room. The light coming from the kitchen made the room feel like I’d only just moved into the house.

Would I have to move out because I couldn’t provide one potion in the agreed-upon time? Surely even the best of witches had delays from time to time. I’d explain the issue and the Council witch would be understanding.

I remembered her cold gaze and curt, pointed questions.

Maybe not.

Ian still hadn’t called, so I made a snap decision.

I wanted to be with him, and if he wasn’t available, I’d go for the best next thing.

“Want to go home?” I asked the dogs. Fluffy let out a happy yip, and Rufus woofed.

They missed Ian and their home too.

Within five minutes, the dogs and I were on our way to the cemetery. Simply walking there made my heart feel lighter.

A good hour or two sitting on his couch with his dogs and reading his astronomy books was what I needed.

The streets surrounding Greenhill Cemetery were shadowed and quiet in a cozy way. There was little traffic here, and the dark spot of the cemetery itself was familiar and soothing.

I opened the side door in the fence and brought the dogs in. We were halfway through the slope up the hill to the main house when a door slammed and a dark figure darted toward the garage workshop.

What on earth…?

The dogs began to bark wildly, and Rufus almost pulled me off my feet, trying to reach the figure. Was that a thief? Was someone trying to rob Ian? Fury exploded in my chest.

“Halt!” I yelled, grabbing desperately for my pepper spray can. “Don’t move!”

The figure stilled, his features shadowed by the lack of moonlight, as I finally managed to get the pepper spray out of my pocket.

That’s when I noticed Rufus’s and Fluffy’s wagging tails, the happy note to their barks. The big shape of the SUV parked right off the path.

I let the leashes drop in shock, and the dogs darted to the figure. The familiarity in the way he crouched to greet Fluffy and Rufus slammed me like a sledgehammer. The planes on his face as my eyes adjusted to the lack of light.


Dazed, I took a few steps forward.

Ian straightened, his mouth curving into a crooked smile. “Hello, Hope.”