Page 14 of Bright Dark Curses

Key appeared startled by the attention, then frowned in thought. “Hope is right. If we discuss things now, we’ll know what to look for when we go back to the set.”

Brett sighed. “Fine, but let’s make it quick.”

Unfortunately, the only open place nearby was a fast-food restaurant filled to the brim, so we were forced to choose another spot of empty alleyway to conduct our meeting.

Gathering Fluffy into my arms so she wouldn’t go sniffing around the trash bags and empty boxes piled nearby, I updated Dru and Shane on our findings.

“We were right, then,” Shane said. “Someone’s using magic to sabotage the movie.”

“Maybe they’re using the rumors of the curse to cover their tracks,” I guessed. “If people working in movies are that superstitious, it wouldn’t take much to get a rumor started.”

“I wish,” Brett grumbled. “Then they wouldn’t blame me.”

“We’ll find out who it is,” Key reassured Brett.

Shane crossed his arms. He was back in his Fairy Circle windbreaker and I was blissfully enveloped by my warm jacket. “Must be someone who doesn’t want the movie to happen,” he said.

“Why wouldn’t someone want the movie to happen?” Brett asked, shoving his hands deep into his jean pockets.

“That’s the golden question, isn’t it?” I said. “Find who wants the movie shut down, and we’ll find our UNSUB.”

Brett frowned. “Un-what?”

“Unidentified subject,” Key told him in a whisper.

“Ah, okay, yeah.” He didn’t appear any less confused, but props for taking one for the team and not derailing the brainstorming.

“Do you have any suspects in mind?” I asked. Not long ago, I’d have suggested putting the whole movie crew and their families on the list of suspects, but recent events had shown me that making long lists took you nowhere, and that everyone is a suspect was more myth than reality. “Anyone who was around at two or more of the incidents?”

Brett’s face fell. “Me.”

“Nobody else?”

“There’s always people around, but I don’t remember anyone else specifically.”

Rufus head-butted his way into the circle, and I scratched him behind his ears before switching my attention to Key and Shane. “Did you guys see anything suspicious today so far?”

They shook their heads.

“Nothing yet, boss,” Shane said.

I pointed at Key. “She’s the boss today.”

“That’s why you’re asking all the questions,” Dru said dryly.

My face got uncomfortably warm. Clearing my throat, I sent Key an apologetic smile. “Sorry.”

She grinned. “You have more experience than I do. I’ll follow your lead.”

My extensive experience in bad things happening around me put to good use. Grandma would have loved that.

Feeling better, I gave Fluffy a reassuring squeeze to let her know I hadn’t forgotten her, then leaned in. “Who are the obvious suspects? Who has a beef with each other or didn’t want to be involved in the movie?”

Although Hannah’s heel turn had been a shock, the trouble had been that I had forgotten to think about the most obvious suspect—Bagley.

“Learn from your mistakes and you’ll catch the culprits faster,” I murmured into Fluffy’s warm neck.

“What mistakes?” Brett asked, looking confused all over again.