Page 103 of Bright Dark Curses

Time to put my game face on. “As a matter of fact, there is something I need advice on.”

“Oh?” She sounded interested now. “What is it?”

“I’m afraid there might be a dark witch operating in town.”

There was a sharp inhale. “A dark witch? What makes you think that?”

“One of my regulars told me of some strange happenings at a movie they’re filming in Olmeda.”

“Lily Hale’s series?” Doyle asked eagerly. “Oh, my, I heard about that! I love those books. Shades in the Night, with the evil cake maker who was poisoning her husband’s best friend while making it look like the work of a vampire? I spent the whole night reading it, let me tell you.”

My estimation of Doyle happily increased tenfold. “I agree! It was one of the best in the series. That scene when their car got pushed into the lake and they couldn’t open the doors? It almost gave me a heart attack.”

“I thought they were going to declare their love for each other for sure. I can’t believe she made us wait until book five for them to get together!”

“I know!”

“And you say something suspicious has been happening on set?”

“Yes. It’s all very hush-hush, but apparently there have been some incidents and a local shifter was injured. Of course I went to help, and I was able to determine magic had been used.”


“Yes. I confirmed it with a blood test.” I crossed the fingers of my right hand. “I have a good idea of who it is, but I’m not sure I’m the correct person to handle this.”

“No, of course not. You’re not used to apprehending criminals. That’s not your job.”

“Should I call the bounty hunters?” I drew a small pentagram on the counter. “Or maybe the local police contact?”

“Absolutely not. We will investigate this first.”

“I’m so glad to hear that.”

“Who do you suspect?”

“A local with an axe to grind with the city. I haven’t gotten his name, but I think I know where he’ll be tonight trying to make another dark magic spell.”

“Give me all the details.”

I did. The ones that made the story sound plausible, of course.

If all went to plan, the Council would contact the witch they already had in town rather than send a new one. And if the trap worked and the Council witch apprehended our UNSUB, not only would the pesky issue of my undelivered potion be forgotten, but hopefully my role in the apprehension of a paranormal criminal would earn me extra Council muffin points.

Greatness, indeed.

Now it was a matter of waiting for tonight.

The production trailers stood surrounded by other production trucks in a wide parking lot on the outskirts of Olmeda. The trailers themselves formed a small cul-de-sac, with Lee’s shared one—and scene of her death—forming the end. It couldn’t have been a better setup if we’d tried.

Night had fully fallen about an hour and a half ago, and Team Hope, of which Key had graciously made me leader, was in position between two of the other trailers. The movie company had hired some overnight security, but it had been as easy to avoid them as sneaking into the filming sets.

I had planned to make myself inconspicuous for most of the day, but to my relief, the Council witch hadn’t made a reappearance to ask for her potion. As I’d hoped, Doyle must’ve called her right away.

Life truly was great when plans went as expected.

I felt around the asphalt until I found a sharp pebble. Our position was drenched in shadows, but light poles spread through the lot gave enough light to see around us.

“What are you doing?” Dru whispered.