“That’s good to hear,” I said to Gemma, handing her a puzzle piece I found in my pile that matched what she was working on.
She smiled conspiratorially at me. “It started when you came, Zagan. Maybe you’re the cure to my sickness.”
Iyla choked on her water, but I just laughed at the very spot-on statement. “Maybe so. I’ll keep coming around then.”
“Yay!” Gemma cheered.
We finished our cake, and none of us left even a crumb on our plates. The puzzle soon followed, detailing a dragon soaring over a castle.
“Isn’t it beautiful?” Gemma asked, beaming down at the completed puzzle.
Iyla smiled at her younger sister, her eyes never even glancing at the puzzle. “It is.”
Gemma looked at me. “Thank you for the cake.”
I ruffled her thin, dull hair. “You’re welcome. I’m glad you liked it.”
“If I get to leave one day, can I go see you in concert?”
“Is that even a question? You better come see me.” I gently poked her in the side, which earned me a giggle. “I’ll even get you VIP passes.”
Iyla cleared her throat and stared at me with clenched teeth and a quick shake of her head.
I gave her a disbelieving eye roll and whispered, “Not that kind of VIP pass. Obviously.” What did she take me for? I was a demon, not a child predator. I turned back to Gemma. “I’ll make sure you get to see backstage and meet the whole band.”
She clapped, and her glee seemed infectious for Iyla.
The excitement of the past hour and a half seemed to catch up to Gemma. She yawned and her eyes grew heavy. Iyla helped her into her bed, and she sat next to her until the younger girl fell asleep. Even at my place from across the bed, leaning against the wall, I could see the tears lining Iyla’s eyes as she stared at her sleeping sister.
She swallowed, stood to place a kiss on her forehead, and whispered, “I promise I’ll make you better.”
The weight Iyla carried on her shoulders was huge, and it wasn’t fair to her. The burden of trying to impress and obey her mother. The burden she’d taken on to save her dying sister. Those weren’t weights she should have to carry, yet she shouldered them with her head held high.
I didn’t know whether I was awed by it, pissed off by it, or pitied her for it. Probably all three.
We said our goodbyes to the nurses and staff, and I got a few more thanks on our way out, including one from Nurse Patrice.
“The cake was delicious,” Patrice said as she bumped into us as we were leaving. I didn’t miss the strain in her voice, like praising me caused her actual pain. “Thank you for bringing it.”
“It was my pleasure, Patrice.” I grinned and shot her a wink just to ruffle her wrinkly feathers.
She huffed and left in a hurry after that.
Iyla laughed and pressed in close to my side to whisper, “I can’t believe Patrice was nice to you.”
I grabbed the front door and held it open for Iyla to go first. “I know. Maybe she got laid and—”
Iyla and I stopped in our tracks. We looked out into the parking lot at the same time, and dread immediately washed away all the warmth from before.
Things were about to go very, very wrong.
Chapter 19
“MOM,” I GASPED WITH NAILS suddenly filling my throat.