My heart did a funny little flip. It was strange having Zagan do something to help me feel more at ease. He certainly didn’t have to do that, and I was pretty sure he was the type who didn’t go out of his way for others. So I appreciated the gesture since it did, in fact, make me more comfortable.

“I better not keep her waiting then,” I said, taking a deep breath. “She seems nice. Energetic but nice. I hope I can keep up with her.”

He snorted. “Yeah. Good luck with that.”

He followed me out into the hallway where Eden waited, now wearing a bright pink sequin top with her black shorts. Her eyes lit up when she saw me come out. “Yes, ma’am! Look how sexy you are!”

I smiled, and despite my earlier hesitation, my nerves slowly washed away. It was impossible to stay on edge with such a friendly soul. “Thanks, Eden. You look great, too.”

“Thank you! Now come dance and tell me all about yourself.” She grabbed my hand and practically skipped back to the main room with me in tow behind her.

I glanced over my shoulder, catching one last look at Zagan. There was no missing the way his eyes continued to trace over my every curve. His attention made my blood burn with a desire so strong that my knees went weak and my chest tightened. It made me want to pull his body against mine and to dance just like we did last Friday. But I ignored that urge, because it was ridiculous. I couldn’t dance with him like that in front of all these people.

The people on the dance floor made room for Eden and I. The music boomed louder here, and each beat shook the ground under my feet. The moment we found our place in the throng of demons, Eden started swaying her hips and moving like a beautiful goddess. Dancing so close to someone who knew how to command their body as well as she did was intimidating, so I kept my own movements slow and small.

“I’m so glad Zagan brought you here. A real human girl!” Eden beamed, leaning in close to be heard over the music. I narrowly avoided losing an eye when one of her gazelle-looking demon horns came extra close. “Don’t get me wrong. Demons are great, but they can be such a bore. All dark and brooding and black all the time. Like livin’ up, you know? Wear some color!”

I laughed, noticing that the majority of people around us were indeed dark, brooding, and wearing black. “Do humans not get brought here often?”

She shook her head. “Hardly ever, and when they do, everyone fights over them wanting to either fuck their brains out or consume their soul.”

My eyes widened with the mental image of fangy beasts frothing at the mouth as they tore into human flesh, but she didn’t seem to notice, talking as if we were discussing the weather.

“Thankfully, everyone can smell the bond on you, so they know not to bother trying.”

Alarmed, I bent my head to sniff myself. “I smell?”

She giggled and grabbed my arm to stop my sniff-check. “It’s not a bad smell. You just smell like Zagan.”

My cheeks burned, and I looked sideways at Zagan. He was back at the table, sitting in my seat so that he faced the dance floor. Perseus and Xander had disappeared, so it was just the three remaining members left. Zagan and Dante were talking while Coldin stared blankly at seemingly nothing.

It was like Zagan could feel me the moment I looked over there, because while he continued speaking to Dante, his black-and-red eyes flicked in my direction. His hungry gaze trailed over me as I barely swayed to the music. I sucked in a sharp breath and quickly turned away. I wasn’t sure why I was embarrassed. Maybe because he caught me looking at him, or maybe because I worried he’d somehow sense the throbbing between my legs that he’d conjured with his heated gaze.

Maybe it was both.

Something was probably wrong with me. I was in a room full of demons—one of whom wasn’t opposed to my dying—yet I couldn’t seem to focus on that right now. Not when I could still feel Zagan’s lustful eyes tracking my body as I danced with Eden. Worried goosebumps didn’t paint my flesh, but rather, pinpricks of desire. He didn’t want to kill me in this moment. No, he wanted to fuck me, and having that sort of power over him was a drug I hadn’t realized I liked being addicted to.

Eden kept me moving for multiple songs, spinning me and gyrating on me. It was surprisingly a blast, losing myself in the music and just letting instinct take over. It helped that Eden cheered me on and hyped me up while I moved. My heart hammered, and my feet grew tired in these foreign heels. After four songs, a new thrumming, sensual beat took over the speakers, and I perked up in recognition.

“This is …” I started slowly, turning on autopilot to seek out Zagan. His attention was already locked right on me as I finished, “One of his songs.”

Zagan propped an arm on the table and beckoned me to him with a crook of his clawed finger.

“Oh, you better go,” Eden said with a conspiratorial gleam in her eye. “He looks serious.”

My mouth dried while my mind raced to think of why he needed me. I nodded to Eden and excused myself, walking toward where he now sat alone at the table.

“Do you need something?” I asked when I reached him.

His eyes changed then, morphing from black-and-red to blue, and his horns, fangs, and claws faded until he appeared human once more. He held his hand out for me, and I looked at it as though it may bite me. I wasn’t sure what he was up to—there was no telling with him—and it was making a fresh wave of nerves stampede in my gut.

Were we leaving? Getting a drink? Going someplace private so he could “eat?” I wasn’t sure which one I was hoping for, even as I placed my hand in his.

The moment our palms connected, he yanked me toward him. I gasped and fell into his arms. His pierced lips spread into a grin as he placed me in his lap so that my back was to his torso, and we faced the bustling crowd while the first lyrics of his song wrapped around us.

“What are you doing?” I asked skeptically, looking over my shoulder at him.

He licked his lips, and his hand moved from my waist to rest on the tops of my thighs. I held my breath, and my eyes fluttered as he grazed his nose along my throat like a predator searching for the best spot to sink their teeth into their prey. I made a soft noise at the onslaught of electrifying desire that zipped around inside me, and I zeroed in on the feel of his strong hands as the sound of his recorded voice taunted me over the speakers about sex and sin.