I glanced at Nahla, who still wore the largest grin I’d ever seen on her. She wanted to go. She’d probably even love whatever activities the band had planned. This was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.
I wouldn’t take that from her.
I couldn’t.
I’d just say no if I was asked to participate in anything I didn’t want to.
With my mind made up to go along with this for her, I slid into the limo. With all five of us piled in, the car took off toward our destination.
“I’m Nahla, by the way,” Nahla introduced, reaching her hand out to shake Pigtails, who she’d just been chatting with.
“Addie,” the girl replied. “This is Parker.” She gestured to the shirtless guy in the trio then pointed at the girl with a tapered black bob. “And that’s Iseul.”
Parker and Iseul waved.
Smiling, I leaned forward in my seat. “I’m Iyla.” I’d already come this far and decided to be here for Nahla, but I still had questions. I wanted to prepare myself for what I was about to walk into. Licking my lips, I asked, “So what were the rumors you were talking about before? You know, the ones about the band.”
Addie’s eyes widened. “How do you not know the rumors?”
Nahla wrapped her arm around my shoulders and pulled me in to squeeze me. “She’s not actually a fan. That’s me. I’m pretty sure she’d never even heard of the group until tonight when I convinced her to come with me.”
“Holy shit!” Parker laughed and shook his head in awe. “What luck. Not even a Sinner, and you got a VIP pass.”
I gave a nervous chuckle and straightened my bow that had gone askew when Nahla pulled me in for a hug. “Might be luck. Depends on what these rumors are.”
The trio and Nahla shared a knowing smirk and let the silence hang in the air for a moment.
Finally, Parker leaned toward me and whispered, “Wild, filthy sex.”
“W-What?” I asked, recoiling in my seat.
“That’s the rumor,” Parker explained. “People with VIP passes get to indulge in wild, filthy sex with the band all night long, and it’s the best sex you’ll ever have.”
“Parker is right,” Addie said. “And if the rumors are true, we’re all in for a stellar night. Hope everyone wore sexy underwear!”
Nahla laughed and flipped her dark hair over her shoulder. “Please. I’m not even wearing any.”
Everyone cheered and whistled at the news, but I was too stunned to even breathe.
Sex? With a stranger?
Make sure you save yourself for marriage, Iyla. Don’t be one of those dirty girls. You know what happens to girls like that. The consequences that come with having sex.
My mother’s voice was like a brand in my mind, and I worried I’d turn my head to find her sitting right next to me in the car, whispering her warnings in my ear. The hair on my neck prickled as if she were watching me, waiting to see if I gave into temptation and broke her rules.
Be a good girl. Good girls listen to their parents and become successful. Good girls win in life. Make sure you’re a good girl, Iyla.
I swallowed my mounting nerves as the limo pulled up to a large mansion on a lone farm road. It slowed, and as I stared up at the house that music poured out of, I knew I was about to stare temptation directly in the eyes.
“Be a good girl,” I whispered to myself.
Chapter 4
MY PREY WAS SLOW TO get out of the limo. She hung close to her friend and stared up at the house as if it might bite her.
Of course, her fear was misplaced. It wasn’t the house, but the demons lurking within that would do that.