“Can you ladies give Iyla and I a moment?” Zagan asked, cutting off whatever they’d been saying.

The girls got quiet and immediately shared knowing whispers. Mine and Zagan’s eyes never strayed from each other, even as the girls left and threw catcalls our way. The door shut, solidifying this electrically charged moment happening between us. My chest rose and fell harder as my demon slowly moved across the space until he stood directly in front of me.

He tilted his head, and his eyes glossed over with smoldering heat that had my toes curling in my shoes. “Are you trying to go out, or are you trying to make me fuck you until you can’t walk?”

My breath came out sharp and fast, but I didn’t look away. I couldn’t look away. “I take it that means you like my outfit?”

The corner of his mouth tipped up. “Yeah, Sparrow. That word works for what you’re making me feel right now.” His eyes dropped to where I pressed my thighs together in an effort to stave off the furious heat between them. “What are you feeling right now?”

“A lot of things,” I answered.

“Is my pussy dripping for me?”

His pussy. God, why did that make me flush hotter?

I didn’t answer. My tongue was stuck, suddenly useless in my mouth. At my silence, Zagan reached forward and drug his finger over the sliver of skin visible between my top and bottoms. Goosebumps broke out on my skin, and a flutter of desire swarmed my gut. His fingers dipped into the hem of my pants, and with a gentle tug, he pulled my pants and underwear down. I couldn’t stop my quick breathing as my fingers curled around the edge of the dresser behind me. Zagan helped me step out of the garments, and I widened my legs slightly, eager for his touch to find me between my folds.

His blue eyes briefly stared at my pussy before locking on my hungry gaze. He smiled and held my pink panties up on a single finger. I could see my arousal coating them, and my knees buckled when he ran his tongue over the wet fabric. Every fiber of my being wished those panties were me.

“I’ll keep these as my appetizer for the evening,” Zagan said, his voice rough with his own need. “And I’ll let you walk around like that. Wired. Absolutely hungry for me and what I can do to you.”

He stood, pulling my pants back up with him. I stared up at him, dumbfounded that he was actually stopping. I was on fire, but he made no move to give me release. He shoved my panties into his pocket, winked, and opened the door to gesture for me to go first.

It took everything to keep my chin from hitting the floor.


Chapter 22


IYLA WAS HORNY AS FUCK. Not only had her panties been soaked, but when I reached out with my senses, her arousal hit me like a freight train. Even now as we climbed into a booth at the club, she kept shifting in her seat next to me, biting her lip, and glancing at me with those fiery eyes.

And goddamn, it took everything inside of me to not take her away where I could fuck her all night long. It had been a few days since we’d had sex, and that time had been a quickie since I was working and had to rush to get back to that. So I was just as eager to get her in bed as she was.

But I also liked tormenting her. There was something undeniably satisfying about watching my sparrow squirm under the intensity of how much she wanted me.

We’d just gotten settled in the round booth on the upstairs balcony of the nightclub Addie had suggested. The lounge was for VIP guests, and with one look at both Addie and I, we were admitted without issue, along with the rest of our group. They didn’t even ID any of us after realizing what celebrities they had in their midst, which worked in Iyla’s favor, considering she was still only twenty.

Nahla ordered a round of shots to start the night off, and when they arrived, we each grabbed one and raised our glass in the air.

“To Iyla and her newfound freedom!” Nahla cheered. “And to her first shot ever!”

There was a chorus of agreements that rang out before we all threw our shots back. Iyla’s face immediately screwed up in disgust as she swallowed the burning liquor. I laughed and offered her another drink to chase it. She greedily drank the beer, but the aversion didn’t clear from her face.

“Gosh. People like that stuff?” she asked, staring skeptically at the shot glasses.

“Hell yeah,” Addie said. “Tequila makes everything better.”

Iyla stared at her like she’d lost her mind.

“I’ll go grab you a better drink,” I said, leaning in close to Iyla so she could hear me over the loud music.

Eden was right on my heels, following me to the upstairs bar. I leaned on my forearms and gave my order for Iyla’s drink. Eden ordered herself a jack and coke, and the two of us watched the bartenders get to work.

“You know, I never thought I’d see the day,” Eden said playfully.

I looked sideways at her where she rested her chin in her manicured hand. She batted her big green eyes at me like she knew something I didn’t.