
“Your Mom kicked you out?” Nahla’s shrill voice demanded from the other end.

I sighed and gave her the cliffnotes version of what happened. She listened intently, only cursing under her breath every so often. When I finished telling her what happened, the anger in her voice was unmistakable.

“I can’t believe her! That gaslighting, controlling bitch! Honestly, you’re so much better off without her, Iyla. Seriously. It’s probably good that this happened. I know it doesn’t feel that way right now, but—”

“Actually,” I said slowly, “I’m doing okay. I was pretty hurt over the whole thing at first. And pissed off. But Zagan …”

I wasn’t sure how to finish or how to explain how he’d somehow made everything better. The situation that could’ve been far worse, with pain that went much deeper, felt like a mere flesh wound inside me instead. And it was because of him.

“Are you staying with him?” Nahla asked, and there was no missing the curiosity in her voice.

“Yeah. He gave me my own room here. It’s literally everything I’ve ever wanted.”

“So you guys are finally dating?” she asked excitedly.

My stomach flipped at the word. Dating. I quickly ignored that feeling and answered, “No. We’re just … friends.”

“Right,” she snorted disbelievingly. “Friends. Do you and your friend want to go out tonight? I feel like you need it. Me, Iseul, and Addie were just trying to plan something to do.”

The idea of going out with Zagan and my friend did sound like a good way to end off the day. After the shitty morning and the uncertainty of my future looming overhead, their company was exactly the medicine I needed.

I peeked my head into my room. Zagan stood by the bed now, holding up the underwear Eden had brought me while she hung clothes up in my closet.

“Hey,” I called to both of them. “Do you guys want to go out tonight? Nahla is asking.”

Eden’s eyes lit up like a Christmas tree. “Hell yes!”

Zagan dropped the panties. “Sure.”

I relayed the message to Nahla who then requested to come over with Iseul and Addie to get ready. Zagan agreed, and Eden practically came out of her dress from how hard she bounced excitedly on her heels.

An hour later, Nahla, Iseul, and Addie were walking through the front door with eyes nearly bugging out of their head as they took in the magnitude of the home.

“I can’t believe you live here,” Nahla whispered as she held tightly onto my arm.

I laughed and pulled her after me. “My room is this way.”

“Can’t we have a tour first?” Nahla begged, trying to steal a glance of everything we passed.

“Don’t be rude, babe,” Iseul chuckled, shoving Nahla gently along.

“I’m gonna pass out,” Addie said breathlessly. “I can’t believe I’m in Zagan’s house.”

I figured this was surreal for the trio, considering they’d been long time fans of Sinners Do It Better. Most fans never got to meet their idols, let alone go to their house.

Eden and Zagan waited in my room. Zagan now lounged back in my new reading chair, and Eden sat on the edge of my bed. She leapt to her feet as soon as she saw us, smiling wide at everyone.

“Keep cool, keep cool,” Nahla chanted under her breath as the three girls looked at Zagan across the room. She cleared her throat and said, “Hey, Zagan. Thanks for letting us come over.”

Zagan smirked at Nahla’s words, but his eyes were fixed on me. “No problem. Any friend of Iyla’s is a friend of mine.”

“Oh my God, that’s so hot,” Nahla hissed in my ear.

I fought off the blush trying to take over my cheeks as I introduced Eden to the girls and vice versa.

“No way!” Eden said, staring open-mouthed at Addie. “Are you Addie Parkland, the designer?”