“Oh my God!” I gave a breathless laugh as we came face to face again. “That was fun.”
“Yeah? We can do more.”
His body moved against mine, his hands pushing and pulling me along with the slow beat of the song. I wasn’t sure if he meant to, but as the seconds ticked by where the two of us continued to rock and sway, I could hear him softly singing along with The Weeknd. His enchanting voice, nearly hidden over the actual track, made a prickle of desire wash over me like a bucket of water being dropped over my head. I swallowed hard and strained to hear him as he grabbed my hand and flung me wide to twirl me in his grasp.
When he spun me back into his arms, I blurted breathlessly, “Sing louder, please.”
He quirked a pierced brow at me and smiled. Pulling me in again, he placed my arms around his shoulders and did as told, singing louder so that I could easily hear him. I pressed further into his hold, my gaze transfixed on his lips as he sang in that deep yet soft tone. My heart thundered. He dipped me low again before curling me back up. This time, my body came to a stop right in front of him. Our noses brushed with the faintest of touches, and mere inches separated our lips as he sang low about dancing with the devil.
I knew I should pull back, but something hungry kept me in place, breathing hard and dancing against him as he sang sweet sins in the miniscule space between us. For the first time in my life, I stopped worrying about everything. Nothing existed outside of this secret moment for just us two. My own little moment of freedom, fun, and fire in my blood.
The song came to an end with another quickly taking its place. I realized then that we’d stopped moving at some point and now stood, locked onto each other, his head leaned down toward mine so that our noses grazed fully and our breath danced across the others lips.
“Thank you for the dance,” he whispered roughly.
I couldn’t seem to find my voice amid the riot of emotions and sensations darting inside of me, so I gave a single soft nod.
His blue eyes looked at my parted lips, and he seemed to tilt closer. “Want to go upstairs?”
My chin dipped in the start of a nod when the warm fog blanketing my mind suddenly cleared.
The rumors were true. Zagan was clearly offering to hook up. I’d been having a genuinely good time dancing with and touching a guy that practically stepped out of my ideal romantic fantasy. In doing so, I’d completely forgotten to keep my guard up. I’d stopped hearing my mother’s voice.
But now it was back, pounding into my head like a jackhammer with warnings about what happened to girls who gave into their desires.
I swallowed hard and reluctantly stepped away. He watched me but made no move to reach for me and pull me back, for which I was glad. I’d nearly lost my head with him, and I couldn’t risk getting swept up in his voice and hands again.
I tucked some loose hair behind my ear and cleared my throat. “I-I think I should find Nahla.”
I didn’t wait to hear his response. I spun on my heel and fled the room in search of my friend and my sanity. I mean, what was I thinking, letting myself get swept up in the music and gaze of some hot guy? I knew better than to give into desire.
I peeked into rooms on the first floor, but there was no sign of Nahla or anyone else. The deafening music followed me as I climbed the stairs and checked more rooms to no avail.
“Where is everyone?” I mumbled to myself.
I drew closer to another door when muffled sounds filtered through the barrier amid the pounding tempo of some song. I slowly opened it, and my eyes went wide at the onslaught of sounds and images before me.
Moans and cries of pleasure filled the lounge room.
Nahla leaned over a table, licking at Iseul’s spread pussy as Dante fisted Nahla’s hair and pounded into her from behind. Iseul gripped the edge of the table above her head, gasping around a mouthful of Perseus’s cock while he threw his head back in a rough groan, his hands palming her bare breasts beneath him. Addie was on a couch next to the four of them, watching the display while she bounced on Coldin’s dick, his large hands helping her to keep pace on his lap.
That was all I saw before I quickly pulled the door shut again. I stared at the closed door like a deer in headlights. I’d never seen so much nakedness or heard sounds like that. And the expressions on their faces like they were in pure bliss …
I worked to catch my breath and quickly turned to walk away, only to come face to face with a grinning man. It took me a moment to realize it was Xander, the bass guitarist, and he had a drunk looking Parker tucked under his arm.
Xander tipped his head at the door behind me. “Would you like to join?”
I held up my hands and shook my head. “N-No. No, I’m—”
“No need to be so nervous,” Xander cooed with a chuckle. His grin stretched as he nodded at a giggling Parker beside him. “You can join us. We’d love to include you.”
He stepped closer, and I tried to step back only to hit the door behind me. I kept my hands in front of me as my stomach bottomed out.