Page 52 of Hidden

Neither male looked happy, but Ademar put away his blade with a swish of metal. Rafe set down the stool and edged closer to Lila with a protective loom. Her brother watched them both with clear dislike.

“I don’t like this side of you, Ademar,” she said, voice husky with tension. “It’s all I’ve seen since I came here.”

Ademar’s lip curled. “And all I’ve seen is someone who isn’t sure where she belongs.”

Lila drew breath to reply, but then swallowed down her retort. It would just start the fight all over again.

“Control your pet before I do it for you,” Ademar said coldly.

“Don’t,” she said. Don’t threaten. Don’t bully. Just don’t.

Her brother shifted his weight onto his good foot. “Say that again.”

She swallowed hard and forced herself to say the words Ademar wanted. “Please spare him.”

Rafe stirred beside her, his anger almost crackling against her skin. Yet, he wisely said nothing. For all his supposed beastliness, he had better self-control than the fae in the room.

Ademar’s gaze slid to Rafe, his loathing plain. The wolf had wounded his pride as well as his flesh and bone, but the damage went even deeper than that. It had left him afraid, and not just of wolves. Lila could taste it like ash in the air.

“I hope you realize that my sister is all that’s between you and my blade,” Ademar said in silky tones. “A single misstep would end badly for both of you, but especially her. The fae hold their own to high standards.”

Rafe’s expression burned with fury, but he bowed his head in wordless acknowledgment. Her brother opened the door, allowing the sound of bustling movement to seep into the room. Lila ignored the commotion, too choked with anger to allow for distraction.

“How dare you speak that way?” she breathed.

“I dare, and I do,” Ademar replied, leaning into the corridor as he snapped his fingers.

Two fae wearing plain gray livery appeared in the doorway at once and stood stiffly, awaiting Ademar’s orders. They were light fae, but Lila did not recognize them.

“Who are they?” she asked, thinking they looked like a pair of puppets.

“Members of Lord Farras’s advance guard,” Ademar replied. “They got here an hour ago to ensure everything was ready for his arrival.”

“Oh.” For an instant, she was acutely aware of Rafe’s warmth beside her and longed to burrow into it.

Ademar turned to the two servants. “Return the shifter to his cell. One of my mother’s creatures will show you the way.”

Lila looked up at Rafe, unwilling to let Ademar give the order. Rafe’s handsome features were carefully schooled, but his warm hand squeezed hers before he followed his escort from the room. She watched him go with a bitter taste at the back of her throat. As soon as they’d left, Ademar swung the door shut again.

“You’re sulking,” he said.

She swung around. “And you’re acting like a petty despot.”

“My apologies, sister.” He didn’t sound as if he meant it in the least. “And now it’s time to end your housekeeping duties and prepare yourself for Lord Farras’s arrival. He will get here tonight in time for the banquet. It’s important that we make a good impression.”

“And I am to provide a decorative function?” she asked with deceptive mildness.

“Mother has organized a selection of gowns for you to choose from,” Ademar went on with a smile. “He hasn’t seen you for years and will be pleased by what a beauty you’ve become.”

Several thoughts collided, none of them pleasant and all of them making her feel trapped. The way station had no wardrobes of clothes as it did cupboards of sheets and towels, so where had the dresses come from? And why did Ademar look so full of himself? Once upon a time, her family had dangled her in front of Farras to win his favor, but that was long ago and it had come to nothing. She intended it to stay that way.

“No,” she replied.

“No?” He raised a brow. “To what, specifically?”

“No to all of it. I decorated the hall and chose a menu. I made up his lordship’s room. If you want, I’ll leave a mint on his pillow. But that is where custom ends, and I’m not obligated to do more. I’m done now, and I’m going home.”

Ademar caught her elbow, his grip gentle but firm. “Most would be delighted to sit beside a powerful lord and ensure that he enjoys himself. Could you not be a normal lady of the court just this once?”