Page 44 of Hidden

“I went on behalf of the local vampires. Their leader also wanted information about the Magician.”

“Is Malatest making a move against the fae?”

“Malatest is considering his options,” Errata said quickly, meeting Izetta’s gaze. “He wants to know if the wolves have enough courage to join him.”

A murmur went around the room, those in wolf form sending up soft yips of agreement.

The Alpha held up his hand to silence them. “We have more than enough courage. That has never been in question.”

The room fell silent. Errata opened her mouth to speak, but his look silenced her.

“I’ve heard your message, now hear mine,” he continued. “We hunted the Magician to save our young. I sent one scout, then another to investigate the valley where we suspected the fae hid from sight. Neither of my kin returned. Then I sent more warriors who never came home. When I forbid others to go, they went anyhow, my brother included.”

Here he stopped, swallowing hard. “It became clear that my pack, with or without permission, would not let the fae’s crimes go unanswered. I had to stop the endless drain of our best people.”

“So you sent for Rafe,” Izetta said. “He came.”

“For all his failings, my son has training and expertise that the rest of the pack does not. He was always our best tracker. This was his chance to erase the anger between us. But now he’s lost as well.”

“He’s not lost yet,” Izetta said. “That’s why we’re here.”

The Alpha’s grief curdled to fury. “Is the Magician dead?”

Izetta bristled. “No.”

“Then my son failed,” he spat. “Yes, we have the courage to fight, but can I risk the wolves I have left while Malatest considers his options?”

His rage pulsed through the room, raising the hair on Izetta’s arms. The other wolves felt it, too. They rose as one, their circle closing around them. Errata was wide-eyed, looking around as if readying to bolt.

Izetta itched to grab her knife. “Malatest doesn’t have a son to rescue.”

“No,” Devries agreed. “He sent you, and somehow you came back, but my boy didn’t.”

At some invisible signal, the circle of wolves drew closer, and closer still. The ones in animal form pushed in, lips curled in silent snarls.

Devries leaned in, eyes gone wolfish yellow. “Care to explain why you’re here and he isn’t?”


Izetta’s hand inched toward the folding knife she’d picked up during her shopping spree. She could feel the weight of it inside the pocket of her jacket, beckoning her to put an end to Devries’s posturing. It wasn’t as good as her custom blades, but it would get the job done.

“Hmm?” the Alpha prompted. His breath smelled like ham and mustard. “Why’d you leave my boy behind? Was it just so you could lead the rest of my pack into a trap and hand over my territory to your Undead boss?”

Izetta’s fingers brushed the outside of her pocket and felt the outline of her knife. As if reading her intent, the wolves tightened the circle, every breath pulling them closer. It was a motley group. Those not wearing fur dressed in graphic tees and ragged jeans. But there was nothing casual about the way their eyes followed her every motion. They were primed for violence.

She recognized this game of threaten-the-stranger. The reasonable part of her knew there were too many wolves to fight, but a slice of her soul itched to gamble. There was a reason she’d courted death in the arena in front of a roaring crowd—but she wasn’t deciding for herself alone. Errata hadn’t signed up for recreational carnage.

Izetta drew her hand back, putting an end to temptation. “Rafe ran interference so I could get free and find help. I was in a bad way.”

The Alpha’s brow furrowed. “He couldn’t run himself?”

He wasn’t bothering to disguise the worry beneath his words now. However difficult Rafe’s relationship was with his father, there was no question the elder Devries cared about his son. Beside her, Errata shifted nervously. If the werecougar had been wearing her tail, it would have been thrashing.

“No,” Izetta replied. “He risked his own safety to ensure I survived.”

Puzzlement flickered in the Alpha’s eyes. “What was he thinking?”

“Rafe is a good friend, and I don’t have many.” Begging this Alpha almost physically hurt, but she steeled herself. “That’s why I’m here, asking for your help. Please.”