“I didn’t know!” I yelled at him before lowering my voice so we didn’t disturb Steph further than we already had. This whole time I thought she was spending out of the joint account I set up for all the household and family expenses.”
“We’ll get all the finances sorted. I already turned in the paperwork to re-deed the house in Steph’s name only. The car note will get paid off as soon as you get me the financial details on that. Ollie already said he would find out what happened at the bank. I’ll go with him, as his lawyer, to get to the bottom of that.”
“The money in that account is already owed to my client,” Hutch needled. “You need to provide for your son moving forward as well. I suggest a good will gesture to help out on top of that, considering your actions cost your wife her job and her ability to get any other work for the foreseeable future.”
“It will all be taken care of. Are we done here?” I asked.
Hutch nodded and I turned to go check on Steph. When I got to the bottom of the stairs, Steve reached out to stop me.
“Can’t let you disturb her peace tonight.”
“I just want to check on her.”
Steve shook his head and moved closer. “This is not the time. She needs to process the bullshit thrown at her today and seeing you again is not going to add to her peace, asshole. It’s going to further upset her.”
“That’s what I’ve been told for the last two weeks, and now, my wife thinks I broke another promise. That I don’t care. I’m not listening to anyone else tell me that I can or can’t see my own fucking wife again.”
“Ask yourself if it will benefit her or if you going there tonight is only a selfish move on your part.”
That stopped me in my tracks.
“Give her the night to process everything. Explain yourself tomorrow when you come back with the bank account fixed and available for her use. The stress relief will likely make her more amenable to having a conversation with you.”
“Why did you make sure I knew about the pregnancy?”
“Because before I learned my sister was paying for everything, I never doubted your love for your son or dedication to him. My sister’s child deserves a father like that too. Plus, you needed to step up and take responsibility for her health and safety, at least while she’s growing your child and taking care of your other son for you.”
“I was going to hire a bodyguard for now until things calmed down, but I’m not sure how feasible that will be. My business has taken a hit as well. While I’m sure you’re happy I’m suffering all the consequences for cheating on your sister, the hits to my business trickle down to my family. It’s part of why I’ve been out of touch for two weeks. I’ve been putting out fires and making deals to keep from going bankrupt.
Steve nodded. “Seems like your ex managed to throw everyone’s lives into chaos. Let’s hope you can fix it.”
“I have to. I can’t live without her.”
“Sure you can. My sister already considers Den as her own, so you don’t have to worry about losing your childcare.”
“That’s not why I can’t live without her. I love her and know exactly what I stand to lose here.”
“Too bad you didn’t realize that before you stuck your dick in a woman who is not your wife.”
“I’m paying for my fuck up.”
“If you were the only one paying for it, I’d let it go. My sister and your son are living with the consequences of your actions. My sister more so than anyone else, since she has lost the most and has been painted as a villain in this situation when we all know she’s the innocent victim here. Maybe we should say the precious victim because you might understand that better,” Steve sneered before he pointed me toward my own fucking front door.
Since there was no chance of speaking with my wife, I went to my parents’ house to go see my son. I didn’t expect an entirely warm welcome from my parents, but my son’s reaction surprised me.
“Son.” My father stated sharply as he stepped aside and allowed me into his home.
“Where’s Den?”
“Kitchen with your mom.” I took a step in that direction but stopped when my dad tossed a hand on my shoulder. “Think you should prepare yourself.”
“For what?”
“Your son’s wrath.”
“My son’s…?” I didn’t even get the full question out when Denmark’s voice rang out angrily through the room.
“What is he doing here?” When I turned, it was to see my boy standing in the doorway to the kitchen with his fists balled up and face flushed red with emotion.