“Of course, I did.” My brother laughed then. “I tried to warn my sister away from you in the beginning because I could see your plan from a mile away. You needed a fucking live-in nanny and she had the right credentials, so you faked a relationship and wifed her up. You never loved my sister though, and that’s a huge fucking problem for me because she is the most lovable damn person I know.”
“I do love your sister.”
“Yeah, you love her so much that you’ve been lying to her and traveling all over the country with your disgusting ex-girlfriend. Honey, I’m fucking my ex who didn’t want me or our kid until I was already taken” My brother mocked in a voice that was supposed to imitate my husband’s. “Sounds a lot like love.” My brother’s sarcasm was meant to be biting toward my husband, but I felt the punch of it just as hard.
“It’s not like that.”
“No? So you weren’t sticking your dick in your ex on these little trips of yours?”
“Fuck you, man! I don’t expect you to understand, but it wasn’t like that at all.”
My brother laughed again and that time Hutch joined in as well. “So, you’re saying that your ditzy, shallower-than-a-teaspoon-of-water ex-girlfriend managed to force you to fuck her?”
“I said you wouldn’t understand, and no, I didn’t fuck her when we were on those trips.” Just hearing him give that distinction made me sick to my stomach. He hadn’t said he hadn’t done it at all. Just not during those trips, if that was to be believed. “That’s all I’m going to say on the subject because this is a conversation that needs to happen between my wife and me, not either of you.”
“Well, that’s where you’re wrong,” Hutch stated. “I’m here as Steph’s legal representation.” There was another sound like more papers being dropped on the kitchen table. “Consider yourself served. That is your official separation agreement. You should have your lawyer buddy look it over immediately, watch you sign it, and we’ll get it filed with the court. Steph wants a divorce. Per the infidelity clause in your prenup, you have thirty days to agree to the separation. She also gets this house, and everything in it, her car – paid for, and maintenance fees as well. You’re free to fight that in court, but it won’t stand up.”
I didn’t know what was happening, since I couldn’t see without announcing my presence, but everything was silent for a few minutes before Steve spoke.
“You’re lucky we didn’t get pictures of you and your whore in the hotel rooms you shared.” Steve choked on a laugh. “As if anyone would believe you weren’t sleeping with the woman you shared a room, and probably a bed, with.”
I stood and ran for the bathroom where I promptly threw up the little bit of soup and crackers I managed to get on my stomach earlier. Steve hadn’t mentioned that they stayed in the same rooms together. It shouldn’t have been a surprise, considering how loved up they looked in the very public places where the pictures were taken.
“Are you fucking kidding me?” Ollie roared. “Steph is home and you just threw that shit in her face?”
“Shit, I thought she was still asleep.” I guess it should make me feel better that my twin didn’t mean to be cruel.
“Where is my son?”
“He’s with your parents.” It was my brother who informed him of that.
“So, she just threw him away because I cheated?”
“No. She was having a hard time coming to terms with what you’ve done and your mom came to pick Denmark up, so that he wouldn’t have to see Steph so upset.”
“Son of a bitch. So, I’m guessing you lot were quick to tell my parents what was going on too?”
No one responded, so I could only assume that there was a nonverbal answer involved. “I want to talk to Steph.”
“She does not want to speak with you and would like any further communication to go through lawyers. She has also put in a request to be able to maintain visitation with Denmark. Ideally, she would prefer if he could stay with her during the week so that his normal school routine is not interrupted. She understands that she has no legal leg to stand on with this request, but we’re all hoping you do right by your son in this matter.”
“I don’t want a divorce,” Ollie stated plainly. “Do you hear that, Steph?” He called out even louder. “I do not want a divorce!”
I didn’t bother to respond.
“At this point, it doesn’t really matter what you want, man. You cheated on her, carried on an affair for months with another woman, and left her to take care of your kid while you ran off to do that. We also have reasonable suspicion that you entered into the marriage under less than honorable pretenses. Steph thought you married for love when in reality it was a business arrangement.”
“You’ll twist anything to make her hate me, won’t you, Hutch? You’ve secretly had a hardon for my wife for years, so of course you’ll take full advantage now.”
“Shut your fucking mouth, Ollie. It’s time for you to leave now that you’ve been served. You can take whatever you brought with you tonight. Nothing else leaves this house without a court order.”
The minute Ollie left, my brother and Hutch came barreling upstairs to check on me.
“I’m so sorry, Steph.”
I waved Steve’s apology off. “It’s not like the truth wouldn’t have been shoved in my face sooner or later. I didn’t think they were getting together to play innocent games of Scrabble behind closed doors.”
“Still, if I’d known you were awake, I never would have thrown those details out.”