He let go of me with one of his hands and reached into the inner pocket of his jacket to pull out his phone. “I’ve been worried about you. Everything seemed even more strained with Ollie and you than usual lately. Shit, Sis, you might as well have been a single mom these past few months.”

“Get to the point,” I muttered as my hands began to shake.

He nodded and then held his hand up with the phone and swiped to something before shoving it in my direction. “I’m so sorry, Sis.”

When I didn’t immediately take it, Steve put the phone on the table in front of me. As if even my own brain was working against me, my eyes drifted toward the image there, even though I knew before looking what I might see.

My husband stood outside a very popular destination hotel in Las Vegas, Nevada. He was looking down into the eyes of a very recognizable C-list actress with jet black hair and bright sea-blue eyes. Not even the scar on her cheek took away from her model-like beauty, statuesque figure, and pouty red lips.

Steve swiped a finger across the screen. In the next image, Ollie’s hand rested on the bitch’s cheek as she leaned into his caress with her eyes closed and a blissed out look on her face.

My brother swiped again and there was my husband’s ex, the same woman who abandoned him and his son all those years ago, popped up on her tip-toes as their lips come together in a kiss. Despite how far away the photographer must have been, I could tell, without having to zoom in, that their lip lock wasn’t a chaste one. Her bottom lip was caged in by his, her hand twined around his neck to pull him closer and his hands were wrapped around her slender waist.

My brother flicked the screen so another picture showed up. The two of them appeared to be headed into a hotel together. Another swipe and they were coming back out, both sporting wet hair.

More swiping. More pictures. Different locations. Same woman.

I could tell the pictures were going backward in time. The one thing that dated those initial pictures was that my husband had been wearing a button-down shirt I’d purchased for him before his latest trip. He had to roll the sleeves up for the Vegas heat, but then again, he was meant to be in Vancouver, not Vegas. At least he was consistent with the first letter of the city’s name.

The shirt had been an apology gift because I’d ruined one of his favorites when I tried to wash it instead of sending it out to the dry cleaners. I had been stuck at work a little longer than usual and the cleaners were closed, so I had a valid excuse but I still felt guilty for not getting it done in time for his work trip. I wanted to laugh and cry all at the same time. My husband didn’t look the slightest bit guilty to be kissing a woman who was not his wife in all those pictures, but I’d overcompensated, out of real guilt, for ruining his shirt.

I finally had enough of seeing my husband flaunting his affair with his ex-girlfriend for anyone and everyone to see. When I glanced up into my brother’s worried bronze gaze that bore into my own matching pair, I nearly choked on my question before I could ask it. “How far back do these go?”

“Vegas was yesterday, but there were more from the other two days that he had already been there. The rest go back about a month.”

“Why are you just now showing me? Why not when the first set was taken?”

“I didn’t think you’d leave him if you only saw one instance. Figured the bastard would lie and tell you it was a one-off event. His recent behavior made me believe it was never that, so I wanted irrefutable proof. There weren’t any money shots, but the sheer volume of photos with him traipsing all over the country with his ex-girlfriend-slash-baby momma, and kissing her publicly will help you in your divorce. I’m sorry, Sis. You needed to know.”

Your divorce.

Those two words played over and over in my head. It was already a forgone conclusion in my twin’s mind. He wasn’t wrong in thinking that but there were complications I’d have to face with a divorce.

“What am I going to do, Stevie?”

“Leave his cheating ass.”

“What about Denny-Boy?”

“I know you love the kid, but he’s not yours. The woman he’s been flaunting all over the country is his biological mother. You have no rights to Den. They will have to work it out for him.” My brother’s voice was gentle as he told me what I already knew. Despite my brother’s reticence over my relationship with Ollie, he had come to know and love Ollie’s son just as much as I had. Den even referred to my brother as Uncle Steve.

“I can’t just walk out of Den’s life, Stevie.”

“You won’t have a choice. The courts won’t give you rights to the kid. It doesn’t matter that you’re the one who has been raising him for years. It only matters that you aren’t blood and his biological parents are obviously back together.”

That was when the tears that burned molten hot behind my eyes finally started to fall. My husband was back with his ex. Not for a one-night mistake, either. He had been with her for more than a month. There was far too much evidence, and even if she was a shitty actress, she was still a public figure, which meant they weren’t even attempting to hide their affair. I was probably lucky that pictures of her wouldn’t fetch a big payday, even if they were of her carrying on with a married man. If she was an A-list actress the end of my marriage would have already been splattered across all the tabloids.

“Den’s going to be crushed, Stevie.”

“No more than you will, and it isn’t your fault. I’m sorry that you two will lose each other, but…”

“Are you?” I lashed out at my twin. “You never wanted me with Ollie to begin with. You certainly never wanted me taking care of his kid.”

“Because he was using you to do just that. I didn’t want you to enter into a marriage where you thought it was about love when it was really just a business arrangement for that asshole. I wanted better for my amazing sister. You deserve to be loved with someone’s whole heart, not used for what you have to offer while the idiot pines after a woman who could never compare.”

That hurt to hear. In the beginning, I would have denied my brother’s claims. There were moments where I thought maybe he had a point. Those moments became my reality in the past few months, rather than the little things I could brush off. I would have sworn Ollie loved me, though. At least, in the beginning he had felt something for me. Something more than what we’d become.

“I’m pregnant, Stevie.” The words were a whisper on my lips as my eyes drifted back to the last image left on the phone screen before it finally timed out and my brother’s lock screen image kicked in. It was a picture of the two of us from a beach trip we took a couple months ago. In fact, Den had taken the picture. My brother had picked us up for a beach day when Ollie bailed on our plans for work again.