Chapter 2


Are you sure we really need to go out tonight? I kind of wanted to stay in and just be with you.” I turned to look at Rich, who insisted on driving us to the restaurant. He had been complaining like this since we left, and it was starting to make me angry.

“All we ever do is stay in when you’re here. I feel like the only places I’ve ever actually seen you are at work and at my place.”

“You know why.” His clipped tone hit my last nerve again. He continued to ping the damn thing until all I wanted to do was yank the steering wheel from his hands, crash us into the guardrail, and have it out with him in a good, old fashion screaming match. He had been doing his level best to ruin the night since I told him we had plans. My surprise for his birthday was about to be flushed down the toilet, and all because he didn’t want to leave the house again.

“I understand that we don’t get a lot of time together,but we haven’t been out on a proper date since we first started dating. Maybe, I just want to go out once in a while and show off my hunky boyfriend.”

I didn’t miss the slight cringe before he covered it up and glanced my way with a too-wide smile that never reached his eyes. “Fine, but did we really need to spend more time with people from work?”

“Come on, you loveBridgette and Cliff. Stop being a grump and let’s have a wonderful night.”

After we got to the restaurant, Rich’s phone started ringing. He took a quick glimpse and smiled. “Why don’t you go on in and I’ll be there in a few minutes. I have to take this.”

“I can wait,” I offered.

He quickly shook his head. “Go ahead. Order me a Gin and Tonic and I’ll be along shortly.” His smile turned glacial when his cell stopped ringing in his hands. I heaved out a sigh and then left the car to go meet Bridge and Cliff inside. They had texted just before we pulled up that they already had a seat in the quiet section near the back bar. I bypassed the hostess station and marched straight back, wondering – and not for the first time – if Rich had started seeing another woman back home, since it was clear that I didn’t want to give up my life to transfer there.

My heart skipped a beat at the thought. Our relationship was still less than a year old, but that didn’t matter. I’d given the man my heart months ago.

“Hey, Avi! You look beautiful tonight.” Cliff stood and greeted me with a kiss on my cheek.

“Thank you,” I returned while giving him a quick side hug.

“You really do look amazing in that dress.” It was a black slip dress that hugged my breasts and draped like a waterfall of silk down to mid-thigh. I paired it with a white gold chain that held an orchid charm. Each petal of the orchid’s flower was an Amethyst with two emeralds hugging it to represent the leaves of the plant. It had been a gorgeous birthday present from Rich last month and one I cherished. That reminded me.

“Did you bring it?”

“Of course, I brought it.” Bridgette reached into her overly large handbag and pulled out the wrapped gift I had slipped her while we were at work yesterday. I knew there would be no way to conceal the gift with what I planned to wear tonight. I smoothed my dress down and took a seat while placing the gift in the chair next to mine where Rich would be sitting whenever he decided our date night was more important than his phone call.

We had to tell the waitress one more time to give us a few minutes when Rich still hadn’t shown up. “Do you want me to go check on him?” Cliff finally asked.

“I think maybe you better. He didn’t know I was bringing him out tonight for a birthday celebration. He was a little reluctant to come because going out means sharing our time with others.” Cliff only nodded and stood to leave the table as Bridgette reached over and took my hand.

“Are you okay?” She asked, keeping her voice low.

“Please, don’t ask me that. I don’t want to become a blubbering mess here at the table.”

“Aw, sweetie, I know the two of you are strained because of the whole, ‘who should transfer thing’ but it will be all right. It’s so obvious that the man loves you. He can never take his eyes off of you at work.”

“I think maybe he’s seeing someone else,” I admitted quickly before I could stop the words from falling out of my mouth.

“What? No way! That man adores you! He asked you to move in with him for God’s sake.”

“I know, but I turned him down because my mom is here, and I don’t think it would be a smart move for my career. What if he’s fed up with the fact that I won’t sacrifice those things for him?”

“Why should it be you who sacrifices?” She asked.

“I don’t know. He won’t budge on the subject though, even knowing my situation. I think maybe he’s started seeing someone there. Lately, he gets more phone calls and texts that he has to answer, and I know they’re not work related.”

“Try not to jump to conclusions, sweetie. I’m sure it’s nothing.”

A simple nod of my head was the only answer I had for her. What else could I say? The man I loved had been pulling away over the past few weeks. I felt it. That coupled with the influx of calls and texts worried me.

A few minutes later, Rich and Cliff turned back up. Cliff had lost his usual jovial demeanor and Rich seemed ready to bolt. He barely sat in his seat, ignoring the package there, and then leaned in to offer a quick peck against my cheek before he stood up again. “Sorry, something came up back at home. I’m going to have to leave tonight to get back and handle it.”