Hollis gasped again. At this rate, he’d be lucky if he didn’t pass out. “Anything. Anything with you would work.” He was pretty sure he’d never been this hard in his life. “Do that again,” he whispered.

Ian rubbed his ass over Hollis’s lap. He kissed him again and again while running his palms all over Hollis’s chest. “Bristly.”

“I shaved so I didn’t have to dye it to match the hair. Sorry about the prickles.”

“I like them.” He leaned close and rubbed his bare chest over them. “So what color is it? Blond like your natural hair? Or darker? A silky brown maybe?” He sat back and flashed the sexiest, sweetest grin. It had this sneaky, devilish cast that curled Hollis’s toes against the cold, concrete floor. “No, don’t answer.” Ian breathed as he kissed his jaw again. “I think I’d like to explore a little lower and discover that for myself.” Ian slowly moved his hand down, slipping his fingers under the waist of Hollis’s pants.

Hollis lost the ability to breathe again as he waited for those fingers to touch his dick.

A loud crash from upstairs made them both jump.

Pounding footsteps sounded on the stairs, followed by Rowe yelling. “Shit! Sorry! Daisy! Igor!” One of the Rottweilers and the German shepherd ran around the couch, the shepherd jumping up onto the cushion next to them. She licked Hollis’s cheek.

Ian made a hilarious squeaking noise when the other dog shoved his nose into Ian’s ass.

“Daisy! Igor! Come back up here!” Rowe’s voice carried from the top of the steps and he barked when the dogs obviously ignored him. “I’m too afraid to come down there and get them. I already heard enough. Don’t want to be scarred for life or anything.”

Ian, looking adorably disgruntled, reluctantly but gently pushed Daisy out of the way and climbed off Hollis’s lap. “We’re decent!” he yelled toward the stairs.

Hollis pointed at the hard dick tenting his sweatpants. “Speak for yourself.” He was also still panting after having found his air again.

Snorting, Ian lifted an eyebrow and pointed at his own. Hollis stared. Ian may have been built with delicate lines and a smaller stature, but there was nothing small about the intriguing cock poking his pants so far out. He thought about sitting on his hands again so he couldn’t reach for it.

Ian picked up the blanket, sat next to Hollis, and had it covering both their crotches by the time Rowe got to the bottom of the stairs. Of course, now it looked like they were both naked with only the blanket covering them. That thought didn’t help his hard-on at all. He imagined pushing a naked Ian down on the cushions and settling his body on top of him. Ian would open his legs, cradling him in between. All that pretty skin would be plastered to his. He nearly groaned again, swallowing it back when he heard Rowe stomp down the stairs.

Glancing over his shoulder, Hollis snorted when Rowe stood with his hand over his eyes. He refused to take it down—even when the dogs finally ran back up the stairs. He grumbled mostly unintelligible words all the way back up. Something about brothers and closed basement doors so he didn’t hear sex racket.

The mood broken, Hollis let out a sigh and dropped his head back on the couch. “Dog spit and a grouchy Rowe. One mix sure to keep us from taking things too fast, eh?” Plus, he didn’t want to have sex the first time with Ian on an old couch in a freezing basement with Rowe wandering about upstairs.

Ian grumbled under his breath and curled up against his side.

Hollis wrapped his arm around him, pulling him as close as possible and tugged the blanket up to tuck around them. He kissed the top of Ian’s head and loved the smile he felt against his chest.



“Not too slow, okay?”

“Somehow, I don’t think that will be a problem.”Chapter 5Ian looked up when Hollis bumped his hip and grinned, accepting the last dinner plate from the table, their fingers brushing against each other. He wanted to drop it in the sink and grab Hollis’s slightly parted lips in a blistering kiss, but Noah and Rowe were still seated at the table, arguing over what security measures to add next to the house and why Rowe wasn’t allowed to electrify the fence.

Hollis winked at him but didn’t step back from where his larger body was crowding Ian close to the sink. He wore the jeans with the hole in the knee again along with a dark blue sweater that nearly matched his eyes. Ian wanted to shove his hands under that sweater and see if any more chest hair had grown in. Or if he had any on those ab muscles. And he still hadn’t learned its color.