Page 27 of Baby Me

June and I got to the restaurant I picked to take her to. It couldn’t be anything fancy, since it was her first time on the back of my bike, and she couldn’t get dressed up. Still, I chose a decent place that I thought she’d be impressed with. We were just about to head inside when my phone started ringing. I glanced down to see it was Kip.

“Ignore it. We’re here to celebrate,” June demanded.

“It’s my son. I can’t ignore a call from my kids.”

“They’re adults,” she huffed.

I narrowed my eyes on June as I answered the call right in front of her. “Hope this is important,” I said into the phone before Kip could speak.

“Yeah, need you at Jared and Star’s place. It’s a fucking emergency. Get here yesterday.” He hung up after delivering his message. I turned right back around headed for my motorcycle.

“Where are you going?”

“Emergency at my daughter’s house. You can either get on the back of my bike and hold your questions for later, or you can call for a ride home.”

I didn’t miss the angry look she threw my way, but June made her way to the back of my bike, threw her leg over, and fastened her helmet back on her head quickly.

It only took a few minutes to get to Star and Bagger’s place, but that might have had something to do with the speed I ran the whole way. June’s heart was about to beat out of her chest by the time I pulled my motorcycle up at the curb.

“You could have killed us,” she hissed at me as she yanked her helmet off.

“What part of emergency did you not understand?” I glanced up to see both of my kids and Jared standing in the doorway of the house. It didn’t look like any of them were hurt, but then again I didn’t see my grandson either. I yanked June’s hand when she hesitated and tried to stay behind. “Come on,” I ordered.

“This isn’t the best time to reveal our relationship to them,” she whisper-hissed to me.

“Too late for that now, since they already saw you on the back of my bike.”

“What the hell is going on?” I yelled to my kids as I dropped my helmet and left it behind.

“You better come in and take a seat before we answer that.” Star stated before she turned and left the door wide open for us to come through.

“You pregnant or something?”

“No, she isn’t but your daughter is sick,” Kip mentioned, but there was an undercurrent to his tone that set my hackles to rising.

June reached out to Star and held onto her, maybe a little too tightly, as she spoke. “I’m sorry to hear that honey. Let me know if there is anything I can do, okay?”

The offer was typical enough of what someone should say, but there was something about it that tripped my radar. June was not being sincere. The act she put on for my daughter was just that and it did not sit right with me. Before I could say anything, Kip started in.

“Do you remember Vina?”

“Yeah, used to work for the club,” I answered cryptically. There was no way in hell that June would take kindly to hearing exactly what capacity Vina had worked for the club previously.

“She had a daughter. She’s just a month younger than Knox,” Kip went on to say.

“Fuck! Did you knock her up?” I asked as my guts twisted at the thought. If my son got the woman I’d been secretly pining for pregnant, I wouldn’t know how to handle that shit.

“No, apparently you did,” Kip growled back.

“I – What?” I shook my head, as if to clear the cobwebs that must be there. “What the fuck did you just say?”

June gasped and took several noticeable steps away from me. I moved closer and wrapped my arm around her waist all while maintaining eye contact with my son. Kip pulled out some paperwork and handed it to me.

“I took a test when Bagger told me that she was claiming the kid might be his.”

“What on Earth would you take a test for?” June asked Kip and I knew the minute he answered, everything would change. Truthfully, everything had already changed anyway, if what my son said was the truth. There was no way I’d leave Vina swinging in the wind if she had my kid. I also knew from experience that June wouldn’t stick around to be a part of that whether I was with the kid’s mom or not.

“All of us were potential baby daddies, since Vina was a club girl.”