Jason’s mouth curved into a cunning smile. ‘Yes. He rang me a couple of days ago, asking for advice. When I heard his plan, I had nothing to add. It’s perfect. He really understands who you are, Cara. You’ll love it.’
A huge grin bloomed on my lips. ‘Really?’ Excitement saturated my tone, joy replacing my anxiety.
‘Really. It’s quite casual, just like you wanted.’
‘Ah, this has calmed me down a bit. Thanks, Jase.’
‘Here to help. Always.’ His eyes shifted to Olivia. ‘See? That’s how it’s done.’
She made a face, echoing him with a funny tone of voice.
‘Anyway, what time is it?’ I asked.
Jason raised his wrist, eyeing the same Rolex model his brother had. ‘Half six.’
I nodded, realising I should get a move on. Being late was out of the question; William never was. I had learned as much working under his leadership for about a month.
‘I’d better go,’ I said and picked up my pastel blue purse, which matched my freshly painted nails.
‘What about you, Livy?’ Jason asked Olivia. ‘Have you got any plans tonight?’
‘Want to hang out for a bit, then?’
‘On what?’
‘On whether you’ll apologise for criticising my counselling abilities.’
Jason scoffed. ‘Stick around and I’ll show you how to improve them instead. Leading by example.’
An involuntary laugh snuck out of me, earning me a playful glare from Olivia.
‘Right, I’m heading off,’ I said as I stuffed my lip gloss into my purse.
‘Did you remember chewing gum?’ Olivia asked with a smirk.
‘Yes. Lip gloss too.’
Jason chuckled. ‘You’re all set, then.’
‘Yes.’ I went to the hall and put on my white trainers, my heart overflowing with excitement. My whole body trembled as I reached for the door, feeling the sweat from my palm transferring to the handle as I turned it. ‘Wish me luck!’
‘You don’t need it!’ Jason yelled back.
‘Don’t come home without at least having kissed him!’ Olivia shouted.
I skipped down the stairs, beaming.
§ § §
As I emerged from the Leicester Square Underground station, my eyes were immediately drawn to a towering figure standing across the street. Leaning casually against a lamp post, he was a striking sight to behold, tall and muscular, with an air of confidence that was palpable even from a distance. He wore a pair of relatively loose, dark blue jeans that hugged his legs in all the right places, while a crisp white T-shirt stretched taut across his broad chest and brawny arms, the outline of his chiselled abs faintly visible through the material. As my eyes travelled upward, I noted the sharp angles of his jawline and the subtle stubble that dusted his cheeks and strong chin.
My lips parted, and I reached an abrupt halt. It was William, wearing a pair of black sunglasses with a gleaming gold rim. He smiled at me, igniting a fire in my heart. He truly had the most mesmerising smile.
Despite the cluster of people between us and the heavy traffic in the street, I saw only him. This was truly happening. I was going on a date with William. Had someone told me three months ago that this would happen, I would never have believed them. Frankly, I could scarcely believe it now.