Page 137 of Heart of The Night

‘They’re Belgian,’ I replied, glancing at the elegant script on the side of the box. ‘From Lawrence. He wanted to make sure you had something sweet to lift your spirits.’

‘I’ve already got you, though.’

‘Something edible,’ I replied, amusement twisting my lips as I placed the box on his lap.

His eyes darkened momentarily, glimmering with mischief. ‘Haven’t I proved you can be quite edible?’

Heat rushed to my face, the sensation of raspberry sorbet landing on my skin resurfacing in my mind.

William chuckled smugly as he observed my high colour. ‘Perhaps we’ll go with Belgian chocolate next time.’ He picked up another piece, rolling it between his fingers thoughtfully. ‘Lawrence always had good taste,’ he said, a smile stretching his mouth. ‘Like that homemade eggnog at the Christmas party.’

‘Hm. I hope I’ll get a chance to taste that.’

‘You will. I’ll make sure of it,’ he promised with a wink. ‘Lawrence can’t say no to me – he adores me.’

‘Who doesn’t?’ I gave him a lopsided smile, brushing my hair behind my ear. ‘Actually, now that we’re on the subject, do you know how long you’ll be absent from work?’

He sighed, then popped the chocolate into his mouth. ‘Six weeks, on the doctor’s orders, if not longer, depending on my progress.’

‘Six weeks?’ I echoed, my eyebrows rising in surprise. That was longer than I had anticipated. ‘I’ll be done with my vacation scheme by the time you return, then.’

‘Yeah. It blows.’ He met my eyes, his lips turning downward in a resigned frown. ‘Have they assigned anyone else to oversee you yet?’


He gave a wry chuckle, his eyes rolling subtly in amusement. ‘Of course.’ His gaze lingered on mine, clearly probing for my thoughts. ‘And how do you feel about that?’

‘I’m thrilled, actually.’

The corner of his mouth quirked up. ‘And I’m not remotely surprised. It seems Violet might just be my biggest competition for your affections.’

I laughed, caught off guard by his joke. ‘She is. I’m almost jealous you’ve slept with her.’

‘I knew it.’ He chuckled again. ‘Ego aside, she might even turn out to be a better mentor to you than I have been.’

That piqued my interest. I genuinely hoped he was right. The thought of enduring a dismal end to my vacation scheme was less than appealing.

‘I’m not sure,’ I murmured. ‘I doubt she’ll bring me coffees with all sorts of phrases on them – some more motivational than others.’

A captivating grin spread across his mouth. ‘Don’t worry, I’ll still bring you coffees, love. Just in bed, is all, rather than at your desk.’

‘Cryptic messages included?’


I couldn’t help but beam at him. ‘Can’t wait. Though, how exactly do you plan to manage that?’

‘Well, the doctor’s recommended I have someone around the flat for the first few weeks after I’m discharged, to handle the cooking and whatnot since I’ll be rather useless. So, you came to mind.’

My smile grew wider at his not-so-subtle hint, but I played along. ‘You’re asking me to be your maid?’

He chuckled, a warm, infectious sound. ‘No, I’ve already got someone for that. I’m asking if you’d consider moving in for a while, as my partner. You can play sexy nurse, too, if you like, but that’s your call.’

My heart missed a beat, excitement fluttering through me at the thought of living with him, even if just for a few weeks. I’d get to see him every single day. After everything that had happened – after fearing I might lose him forever – it felt like everything I could have hoped for.

‘Of course I’ll do it,’ I said, my hand reaching out to stroke his thigh gently. ‘I’m glad you asked.’

‘Good. Thanks,’ he replied, his voice softening. ‘You can pay rent with kisses.’