A smile broke across his face, that mischievous, charming smile that had first drawn me in. ‘Don’t forget to dream of me.’
I laughed despite the tears pricking my eyes, warmed by his spirit. ‘You’re always in my dreams, Will – even when I’m awake.’
He grinned, and I drank in the sight, clinging to it as the nurse quietly shut the door between us.
Tomorrow couldn’t come soon enough.
29 | i feel invincible
The dawn found me awake, restlessness having plagued my night. Olivia had been waiting for us when Jason and I got back from the hospital, and we all ended up crashing in Jason’s massive bed, with Olivia nestled in the middle. If they hadn’t been there, I doubted I would have slept at all.
We had sorted out visiting times before leaving the hospital, with Jason, John, and Daphné graciously offering me the first slot. Thus, by nine o’clock, I found myself in the familiar, sterile waiting room, anxiously waiting for the receptionist to announce over the PA system that I could go in and see William. The anticipation was nearly unbearable, every minute stretching longer than the last.
Just past nine o’clock, a black man with a beard and a pale, red-haired woman stepped briskly out of the major trauma centre, their expressions sombre. I recognised them – they were Shelby and Nathan, the police detectives I had spoken with last night. What new information had they uncovered since then? I briefly considered approaching them, but then remembered they had likely just interviewed William. I could get the updates directly from him.
‘Cara Jane Darby.’ The receptionist’s voice crackled over the PA system, drawing my attention. ‘Please proceed to the reception desk to be escorted to the ICU.’
I stood up, my legs stiff from the tension and the wait. Near the reception desk, a middle-aged nurse with a reassuring, professional smile greeted me. She introduced herself as Alice and led me to the small room where I had to put on a protective apron and sanitise my hands. The routine felt both mundane and surreal, each step taking me closer to William yet feeling like an eternity. My heart raced as I scrubbed my hands, the cool antiseptic stinging slightly.
Finally ready, I followed Alice to room 125. William’s name was there on the door in plain, clinical letters. As Alice pushed it open, I drew a deep breath, bracing myself for the sight of William’s injuries. They had haunted my dreams, casting a pall over the night as I envisioned him hurt and alone. But, as soon as I walked in, my anxiety transitioned into relief. He looked much better already. Colour had returned to his face, replacing the deathlike pallor of the night before, though the absence of the ice pack now revealed the full extent of his bruising, his eye swollen shut.
When he noticed me, a crooked smile brightened his face, bringing a familiar warmth to the sterile room. ‘Ah, the best part of my day is here,’ he said, his voice suffused with tender affection.
I stared at him as Alice closed the door behind me.
There he was – the man I loved, marred by bruises, weakened, yet still holding on. Despite everything, he was alive.
‘Will,’ I whispered, my voice barely audible as a tide of emotion swept over me. I rushed to his side and gently kissed him, cherishing the slight upturn of his lips against mine.
‘How are you feeling?’ I asked, pulling back just enough to look at him.
‘Mentally deficient,’ he said, his tone a blend of humour and mild annoyance.
‘Nothing new, then?’ I teased, trying to maintain the light tone between us.
He chuckled weakly. ‘Same old, same old.’
Taking his hand, I sandwiched it between mine and settled into the chair beside him. The head of his bed was elevated, allowing him to rest in a semi-upright position.
‘Do you need anything?’ I asked, eager to help him in whatever way I could.
‘Besides you? Some water, maybe.’
I smiled and walked over to the basin, quickly pulling a disposable cup from the stack and removing the protective wrapping. I ran the tap until the water cooled, watching the clear liquid swirl before filling the cup. Returning to William’s side, I carefully held the cup to his lips. He drank deeply, the simple act seeming to revive him slightly.
‘Would you like some more?’ I asked as he finished.
He let out a loud breath, a trace of his usual playfulness returning. ‘Of you, yes.’
My lips pressed together to hide a smile as I watched him smirk at his own words.
‘You are unbearably sexy as a nurse, Cara,’ he murmured, his gaze appreciative as it swept over me.
I shook my head, half in exasperation, half in amusement. ‘You’re unbelievable. How can you even think like that right now?’
His one good eye twinkled mischievously. ‘Looking at you makes it rather easy.’