Page 127 of Heart of The Night

William turned to his brother, his brow furrowing. ‘What?’

‘Aren’t you his girlfriend, Cara?’ Jason teased, his voice light and playful. ‘That’s what we told the doctor.’

I inhaled deeply as William’s gaze met mine, a glimmer of hope flickering in his. But I had no intention of dashing that hope. Jason’s words had hit home – I already saw myself as William’s girlfriend. This ordeal had underscored a vital truth: every moment was precious and not to be squandered. Having faced the terrifying prospect of losing him, my resolve had solidified. I wanted to be by his side, come what may. Life without him would be a hollow void, bleak and unbearable.

I drew another deep breath, my heart racing as I gathered the courage to admit it out loud.

‘I am your girlfriend, yes.’

William’s jaw dropped, and for several long seconds, he simply stared at me in disbelief. Beside him, the machine monitoring his heart began to beep more rapidly. I glanced at it, my nerves fraying. Perhaps this confession was ill-timed.

‘Breathe, Will,’ Daphné urged gently, her hand caressing his cheek. ‘Slowly, in and out.’

‘If you’re having me on, I won’t forgive you,’ William said to me, scepticism permeating his features. It stung a bit to see him doubt my sincerity. Was the thought of me truly being his girlfriend so unbelievable to him?

‘I’m not,’ I declared firmly. ‘I consider myself your girlfriend.’

He took a sharp intake of breath, and the monitor beside him escalated into a frenzy. Suddenly, he winced, contorting in pain as he clutched at his chest – his ribs.

‘Bloody hell, that hurt,’ he gasped.

‘Breathe slowly, Will,’ Daphné commanded, standing up quickly. ‘Lie back,’ she instructed, her hands hovering above him, careful not to touch.

Gradually settling back against his pillow, William fixed his gaze on me once, his expression one of wonder and contemplation.

‘I sometimes believe in God when I look at you,’ he said out of the blue.

I gaped, his words igniting a whirlwind of emotions that ranged from amusement to a deep, stirring affection.

‘Wow,’ John mouthed, visibly impressed.

‘Well, then?’ Jason prodded.

William scowled slightly. ‘Well, I’m not sure if I’m hallucinating or actually hearing this. I’m dizzy as hell, you twat. They’ve given me enough meds to knock out a bloody elephant.’

‘You’re not hallucinating, dear,’ Daphné reassured him gently. ‘What’s your verdict? Don’t leave her hanging.’

‘My verdict?’ He furrowed his brows, looking momentarily irked. ‘The answer should be obvious – of course I want to be her boyfriend. I’ve been pining and grovelling for months now.’

I couldn’t help but smile. Only William could declare it like that and still sound romantic.

John turned to Jason, his eyes narrowing a fraction as he saw Jason’s grin. ‘You knew about them all along, didn’t you?’

Jason’s grin broadened even further as he met John’s stare. ‘I didn’t actually, no. Safe to say I was shocked when I found out. But I fancy them together. I’ve always thought of Cara as a sister, so I couldn’t be more pleased.’

‘Yeah.’ William smirked, his visible eye glimmering with a playful arrogance as he stared at me. ‘He’s been on my side the whole time, love. He might be your best mate, but he’s my brother. Thought you stood a chance, did you?’ He chuckled warmly. ‘You and I becoming a couple was a foregone conclusion the moment I learned you were his flatmate. You see, Jason and I combined is a force greater than Sherlock and Watson. Greater than anything you can imagine, really. He’s the Robin to my Batman. The Pumba to my Timon. We’re fucking incredible.’

I couldn’t help but laugh at the bizarre nature of his comparisons – especially the last one.

‘Just when I thought he couldn’t possibly get any dafter, he bloody goes and outdoes himself,’ Jason chuckled.

‘Were you aware when she applied?’ John asked, still looking at Jason. ‘Was that why you recommended her to me?’

‘No, they hadn’t met at that time,’ Jason said. ‘Wouldn’t have changed my course of action, though. Cara deserved that spot, regardless of her relationship with William. She’s super clever and hard-working.’

‘That she is, and now she’s finally mine. When can I have my kiss?’ William asked, sounding both smug and delighted.

Overwhelmed, I found myself staring at the ceiling to stop my tears from spilling. I was in a relationship with the man that I loved with all my heart. A few hours ago, I had feared I might have lost my chance with him forever. It didn’t matter that William was currently high as a kite – it didn’t ruin the moment for me at all.