The maroon fabric hugged my curves perfectly, the cut and fit impeccable. I turned slightly, watching the dress move with me, the satin flowing like water. My cheeks flushed at the thought of William correctly guessing my size; he’d clearly studied my body as though it were a treasure map.
‘Okay, I’m dressed,’ I called out, smoothing my hands down my hips.
The door opened, the sound of gasps reaching my ears. Olivia’s face lit up with awe, while Jason’s jaw dropped.
‘Cara, oh my God!’ Olivia exclaimed, her hands coming together under her chin. ‘You look absolutely devastating. You’re going to steal the whole show at the gala!’
‘Will’s outdone himself,’ Jason said, folding his arms and nodding appreciatively, his eyes running up and down my figure several times over.
I felt my blush deepen, my smile widening into a bright grin. ‘Thanks, guys.’
Olivia walked over, bending to get a better look at the details. ‘I have to say, Will’s got excellent taste.’
‘He does,’ I agreed.
‘It’s showing just the right amount of skin, and that bare back cut is to die for. I’m not sure you could have picked a better dress yourself.’
‘Me neither.’
Jason sighed, scratching the back of his head. ‘Man’s really setting the bar bloody high,’ he murmured, casting a glance at Olivia.
She looked over at him, her lips twisting in a humoured smile. ‘Worried you’ll be outshined?’
He chuckled and gripped his hips, shaking his head. ‘No, I can keep up – easily.’
‘Did you know about this?’ I asked Jason, tilting my head.
‘No, I didn’t have a clue. We talked about the gala last night, but—’ Suddenly he frowned, his nose wrinkling. ‘Actually, that reminds me – there’s something you should know.’
I went rigid, bracing myself for whatever he was about to say.
Jason’s gaze was unwavering, unusually serious. ‘Last night, he said he thought you might not want to go to the gala anymore because of everything that’s happened.’ His jaw tensed as he watched me. ‘I hate to say this, because I know you’re already struggling, but he’s really worried, Cara. He’s been trying to give you space, but it’s tearing him up inside. I can tell.’
A wave of acute remorse hit me, making me feel nauseous. My behaviour since the revelation – demanding space as I weighed my options – had evidently resulted in unintended consequences. I never meant for William to spiral into despair, to think I was pulling away.
‘Fuck.’ My face scrunched up. ‘I’ve been so caught up in my own confusion and fears, I didn’t realise how much it was affecting him.’
Jason nodded, his eyes filled with empathy. ‘I know things are complicated right now, but maybe you should talk to him. Let him know what you’re thinking – that you’re not pulling away, you’re just… considering. He needs to be reminded.’
I sighed, my shoulders sinking under the weight of my contrition. ‘Yeah. I’ll talk to him.’
Jason gave a faint smile ‘Good.’
Olivia looked thoughtful, her arms folded as she watched me. ‘Jase, could you leave us alone for a minute?’
‘Sure.’ He stepped out, closing the door behind him.
I let out a frustrated breath, my thoughts a chaotic storm as I sank onto the bed. Olivia took a seat beside me, putting her hand over mine on my lap.
‘Listen,’ she said softly. ‘I agree with Jason – you and William should talk. But Cara… don’t feel pressured to tell him you’re inclined to stay.’
‘What do I tell him, then?’ I asked, my voice tinged with desperation as I met her eyes. ‘How can I reassure him?’
‘Just tell him you heard from Jason that he’s been worried about the gala and all that, and then apologise for giving him that impression. Remind him you’re still here, that your feelings for him haven’t changed. If I were you, I’d spend some quality time with him. Kiss and cuddle. I think that’s what he needs right now.’
I stared at her, momentarily impressed by her constructive advice. Though her relationship with Colin had failed, the experience had evidently granted her a nuanced understanding of how to tackle matters like this. I was immensely grateful she could share that invaluable insight with me now, helping me navigate this tricky situation.
‘You’re right,’ I said, nodding. ‘It didn’t even occur to me that I can reassure him without outright addressing the baby situation.’