‘Pain, you said?’ I started grinding against him.
The sound he made was almost a sob, his breath warm against my mouth. ‘Please, let me out. I promise I’ll be gentle.’ His desperation was palpable, his vulnerable tone making my heart throb. ‘Cara, I am begging you. Just let me touch you. I want to make love to you – sweet, intense love to you.’
I froze, a flood of longing sweeping over me. My senses sharpened with the intensity of the moment, my skin tingling with need. His plea sounded like a dying wish, filled with raw emotion. His light-blue eyes bore into mine, carrying a silent promise of the ecstasy that awaited. My resolve wavered, the power of his plea breaking down my resistance. I could feel the magnetic pull of his desire, drawing me in, tempting me to surrender. The memory of him making love to me flashed vividly in my mind, and the desire to relive it consumed me.
Sighing, I leaned in closer, my lips brushing against his ear. ‘Okay.’
He exhaled with relief, his body softening against mine. ‘Thank you.’
I tore myself away and walked over to my purse, retrieving the key. When I turned back, William’s gaze was fixed on me, the intensity in his eyes staggering. He looked at me with the wonder of someone who had found an angel in their midst.
I swallowed, feeling overwhelmed. Bashful, I averted my gaze and sauntered back until I was standing behind the sofa, facing his back.
‘Lean forward,’ I murmured.
He obeyed, bending to expose his wrists. My hands trembled as I inserted the key into the lock and turned it, finally freeing him. Instantly, he spun around and reached for me. My reflexes kicked in, and I jumped back, staring wide-eyed at him. My breath caught as our eyes met – the rapacious look on his face told me I’d been deceived. He didn’t intend to make love to me at all. Instead, he looked ready to deliver punishment.
For a few tense seconds, we merely stared at each other, predator and prey. Finally, I whimpered, a small sound that triggered his lunge. Squealing, I darted toward the dining table, my pulse hammering in my ears.
‘William! You promised!’ I shouted over my shoulder.
‘Well, I fucking lied,’ he snapped, chasing after me.
My heart was in my throat as I rounded the square table, my breath coming in quick gasps. Adrenaline surged through me, heightening my senses and warning me of the danger closing in. I was so fucked.
‘You bastard!’ I yelled, seeing him crouch by the table, calculating my next move. His eyes tracked my every twitch. He feinted to the left, and I gasped, almost dashing to my right. But I caught myself just in time, realising his trick. We stood there, our eyes locked in an intense stare. Every muscle in my body was coiled, ready to spring, while his predatory gaze promised no escape.
‘I’m going to fuck you senseless, Cara,’ he growled. ‘So hard you won’t be able to sit for a week.’
My vagina throbbed, pushing out my juices and soaking my already wet underwear. I held my breath as I felt it sliding out of me, several beads trickling down my inner thighs.
‘William, I’m sorry,’ I said desperately. ‘I only meant to tease you a bit.’
His eyes widened with incredulity. ‘Tease me? That was nothing short of torture! Get yourself over here before I climb over the table.’ His features sharpened with his glare. ‘I will catch you. You’re only postponing the inevitable.’
I glanced upward, silently pleading for divine intervention. But before I could think of a plan, William lunged onto the table.
Oh my God. I’d turned him into an actual animal.
Yelping, I dashed for the kitchen, but just as I reached the doorway, his caught me in his arms, pulling me back against his chest. I whimpered, twisting to see his face, only to find him grinning at me. He looked radiant, like a conqueror savouring his victory.
‘You’re mine now,’ he declared smugly. ‘To do with as I please. Time for your penalty, love.’
Heat pooled low in my belly, a blend of dread and excitement lacing through my blood.
Bending down, William scooped me up with ease and tossed me over his shoulder. Daunted, I stared at the floor beneath my head, my heart pounding. What had I done?
We were almost past his sofa group when he suddenly stopped. Bending sideways, he fetched the handcuffs. My eyes widened in alarm. Oh no.
‘Let’s see how you like your own medicine,’ he said and spanked my bum.
‘Object all you like, darling. Your pleas are falling on deaf ears.’
Charging toward his bedroom, he kicked the door open and headed straight for the bed. He dropped me onto it, and I scrambled to get away, but he was too quick. He clasped my shoulders and manhandled me onto my stomach, pinning me beneath him. After a brief struggle, he secured both my wrists behind my back and locked them in the handcuffs.
‘There. All trussed up, just how I like you,’ he said, a teasing edge to his voice as he pulled back. ‘Now, let’s begin, shall we?’