Page 5 of Heart of The Night

I smirked at him. ‘I fancy you all sorts of ways.’

‘What could you possibly mean?’ He chuckled and raised my hand to his mouth, kissing the back of it. Then his eyes flicked to my freshly painted nails.

‘Lovely colour,’ he remarked, a trace of amusement in his voice. I glanced at my nails, only then recognising they were painted the precise shade of his captivating eyes. Warmth spread across my cheeks as it dawned on me that my subconscious, deep-rooted fixation on him had driven me to choose it. Had William made the connection as well? Was he smirking at the subtle implication? I mentally scolded myself, vowing never to let my obsession with him be so blatantly displayed again.

‘When did you leave the office today?’ I asked, hoping to divert his attention.

‘About two hours ago.’

My eyebrows jumped. ‘That’s unusually early – for you.’

‘Well, I didn’t want to be late. That’s why I stayed at work till midnight yesterday, so I could leave earlier today.’

I couldn’t help but grin. I loved that he was treating me as his main priority.

He tugged on my hand, leading me toward Chinatown. Was that where we were going? My mouth watered at the possibility.

‘I hope you like Chinese,’ he said, confirming my suspicion.

‘I love Chinese,’ I said passionately. ‘And I eat everything, anyway. I’m not particular.’

‘Good to know.’

‘Are you?’

His nose scrunched up. ‘No allergies, but I’m not a fan of ketchup. Tastes too synthetic – too sweet.’ His gaze flickered toward me.

I chuckled. That was rather specific. ‘Not a fan of sweetness?’ I asked playfully, batting my eyelashes at him for comedic effect.

Mirth glimmered in his features. ‘No, I’m all about fiery intensity – the spice of your wit, the heat of your sarcasm, the zest of your sass. You’re a whole chilli pepper.’ His grip tightened on my hand.

I laughed, and it was a carefree, genuine sound coming from the depths of my belly. ‘Having you break a sweat, am I?’

‘Later tonight, sure – if I’m lucky.’

I bit my lower lip, smiling. ‘We’ll see.’

‘I’ve no expectations,’ he assured me. ‘Don’t worry.’

‘If we end up at yours, I might need another T-shirt for my collection. I didn’t bring any clothes.’

He chuckled, and I wondered if he, too, had been mentally transported to the morning at his flat after we first slept together. I still had his T-shirt from that day, and now that we had started seeing each other, I sometimes slept in it.

‘I’d be more than happy to provide one,’ he said.

‘Hmm. Will you make me scrambled eggs for breakfast?’

He flashed me a grin. ‘I’d be delighted.’

‘Okay, I’ll consider it,’ I replied, playing hard to get, although it was clear from my tone that I was joking.

‘Would you be more inclined to seal the deal if I told you I’ve already set aside some butter just for you?’

I gasped. ‘Sold!’

The sound of his laughter set my system alight. It was the most charming melody I would ever hear.

He released my hand and wrapped his arm around my shoulders. Relishing his embrace, I reached around and held onto his muscular waist. I yearned to touch him constantly, a desire that reverberated through my core and echoed in my bones. I was truly addicted to his touch, and it astonished me. Men had never affected me like this before. Under their caresses, I had only rarely felt a spark of emotion or a flicker of excitement. But with William, even the gentlest graze of his fingers across my skin ignited emotional chaos in me, stirring an insatiable hunger for more.