Page 32 of Heart of The Night

After we saw Alex and Andy out, the flat fell into a comfortable silence. The door shut with a soft click, and the previous laughter and chatter seemed like a distant echo. Now it was just William and me again.

Leaning against the front door, William gazed at me, a hint of a smile on his face. ‘Fancy a lift home, then?’

‘Since when have you got a car?’ I blurted out, the question that had popped up in my mind earlier resurfacing.

He frowned. ‘What do you mean? I’ve always had a car.’

‘But you always take the Tube to work, don’t you?’

He chuckled. ‘That I do.’


He shrugged. ‘Well, it’s quicker, there’s no stress about parking – a luxury in London, as I’m sure you’re aware – and, quite frankly, my seniority doesn’t warrant a parking spot at work yet.’

‘Then why keep a car at all?’

‘Because I enjoy escaping from the city at the weekends,’ he said, a twinkle of fond memories in his eyes.

I smiled, recalling that Jason often joined these trips. ‘That makes sense.’

Turning around, I quickly gathered my things: my dress, my pastel blue purse and the medal William had given me the night before. With my belongings collected, we headed to the building’s underground car park, where a black Tesla Model X was neatly parked in a corner spot. The car’s matte finish seemed to devour the dull glow of the overhead lights, making it look rather formidable. William led the way toward it, prompting a knowing grin from me.

‘Of course you’ve got a real-life Batmobile,’ I teased, referencing our shared fondness for Batman.

William chuckled, taking a moment to appraise the car with newfound respect. ‘You know, I never saw it that way, but you might be onto something there. It does look a bit like the Batmobile, doesn’t it?’

I laughed, adding, ‘I bet your love for all things Gotham subconsciously steered your choice.’

‘Probably.’ He swung the passenger door open for me. ‘After all, every Bruce Wayne needs his Batmobile, right?’

‘Absolutely,’ I said, my smile widening. As I prepared to slide into the seat, William gently grasped my hand and brushed a kiss across the back of it.

‘But he’d never be complete without his Catwoman,’ he said, his words sending a soft thrill through me, prompting a giggle to bubble up.

‘We’re so corny sometimes,’ I said.

He chuckled. ‘A lot of the time, to be honest. But I love it.’

‘Me too.’

Once I was inside, he closed the door and walked around the car, slipping in behind the wheel with an easy grace. The electric engine purred to life, a soft hum in the silence as we began the drive to my flat.

‘Alex really is a genuinely good guy, isn’t he?’

William smiled. ‘He is. He’s always been more about substance than show.’

His words resonated with my own impressions, and I nodded in agreement. ‘I’ve got to ask, though… From what he said about Ivy, has he ever been with another woman?’

At this, William pulled a face. ‘Yeah. He’s tried moving on from Ivy several times – usually when she starts seeing someone else – and ends up trying his luck with other women. But he’s never been able to shake off his feelings for Ivy. He had something going with a woman named Abigail for a bit, but that ended recently.’

A suspicion kindled within me. ‘Is Ivy recently single?’


‘So did he split from Abigail before or after he found that out?’

William shot me a quick look. ‘After…’