His lips twisted with poorly veiled amusement. ‘No, you’re right that the case doesn’t go into detail about romantic relationships at work. However, the Court makes a general statement that covers it. This is where the ECtHR established that activities relevant to self-realisation and the development of personal relationships are also entitled to protection in the workplace and may also happen there.’
He steered the cursor to paragraph twenty-nine and highlighted the relevant text. ‘Specifically, the Court reasons that, “it is, after all, in the course of their working lives that the majority of people will have a significant, if not the greatest, opportunity of developing personal relationships with the outside world.” In conclusion, we are within our rights to pursue a relationship even at work, Cara.’
I pursed my lips. ‘Still, it says in the handbook that if a relationship exists between an employee and their line manager, it’s both our responsibility to notify the HR department so that they can take steps to evaluate the situation and whether assigning alternative roles might be necessary, to avoid compromising the company’s—’
‘Yes,’ he cut in, ‘but until we’re actually in a relationship, it doesn’t apply to us.’
I raised a brow. ‘It says “personal relationship”. In the definitions, it’s clarified that a sexual relationship falls under that term.’
He groaned. ‘Cara, they’re just guidelines, not actual laws. We have every right to be doing this. I’ve already done it for a year with Violet. We’ll be fine. All we need to do is remain professional while at work.’
I stiffened in his hold. ‘We are walking on thin ice here.’
‘We’re navigating a grey area,’ he argued.
‘I’m not comfortable breaking the guidelines. I studied law because I meant to abide by the rules, not break them. Seriously. I’ve inherent respect for rules like these.’
‘Cara, please,’ he begged, a note of desperation seeping into his voice. ‘Be pragmatic. For once.’
I nibbled on my lower lip, uncertain, while his eyes pleaded with me not to remain principled about this.
Giving in, I exhaled in resignation. ‘No one else can know, Will. Only Andy and Vi.’
He grinned. ‘Thank you. I just don’t want you shadowing anyone else – I prefer to keep you to myself. Besides, we’ve already seen how well we work together. I swear this won’t jeopardise that. We’re a great team. It’s in the company’s best interests that we remain within our current roles.’
Except for his concluding remark, he was right, but whether this really served the company’s best interests was up for debate. Nevertheless, I didn’t want to argue that point. Instead, I said, ‘If Ellie begins to suspect something—’
‘We’ll tell her nothing.’
‘I’m relying on your discretion,’ I told him gravely.
His fingers tenderly cradled my chin, tilting my face to meet his. With a promise in his eyes, he lavished a string of feather-light kisses on my lips.
‘You can trust me. Always,’ he said, his voice resonating with conviction.
This pact we were making left me with a swirl of emotions, the full weight of the situation bearing down on me. ‘If I even get a whiff of suspicion that others are catching on, I won’t hesitate to inform HR,’ I warned, ‘as a proactive step.’
‘That’s fair,’ he conceded, ‘but do give me a heads-up first.’
‘Of course.’
In a mock formality, he extended his hand and shook mine, drawing a small smile from me. But the decorum was short-lived. Raising my hand to his mouth, he swept his lips delicately over my wrist, grazing across the throbbing pulse.
His mellow voice dipped into a lower, sultrier tone as he asked, ‘What do you say to a hot bath?’ His gaze was fixed on mine, his intentions transparent.
I chuckled, my cheeks prickling with excitement. ‘How hot are we talking about?’
The corner of his mouth tugged up. ‘So hot the water around us will feel like winter’s frost.’ His hand slid slowly up my thigh, his fingers inching toward the apex, dangerously close to the wet evidence of my own mounting desire. I cupped his chiselled jaw, a smile playing on my lips.
‘Ever the poet,’ I murmured, my voice saturated with adoration. Leaning in, I brushed my lips against his. ‘Let’s dive in.’
6 | blame yourself
I knew I ought to get going, but I just couldn’t make myself move. Cosied up next to William, I had just snapped awake from a nap I hadn’t planned on, staring blankly at the black screen of the mammoth telly on the second floor of his penthouse. Sprawled on the sofa, we had both passed out after our latest steamy session. Since last night, we’d had sex a total of five times, and my vagina was now so sore that it would be out of service for at least a week.
I was shocked at us – at how insatiable he made me feel. My body had started complaining after round four, yet I just couldn’t get enough of him. I had planned to leave after breakfast, having polished off the delicious scrambled eggs he had whipped up for me. But then we were at it again, first on the kitchen island, then on the stairs, and finally on the sofa, which we hadn’t been able to leave since.
My gaze drifted to the floor-to-ceiling windows, now streaked with the heavy rain tumbling down. The sunny backdrop of our blissful date yesterday had disappeared. With a groan, I thought of the journey back to my flat. I had come without an umbrella, and my dress, white as it was, would turn see-through in a heartbeat. Maybe William had an umbrella I could borrow, but I didn’t want to wake him yet. He was out for the count, totally zonked out after satisfying my ravenous demands.