Entering the room, I saw him propped up on the bed, an ice pack strapped over his bruised eye with a white band. His gaze shifted to me, his visible eye widening in surprise and something akin to relief.
Daphné sat on a chair beside him, her fingers intertwined with his, while John stood on his other side. Dr Patel closed the door behind us, sealing us away for a private moment.
‘How are you feeling, Will?’ John’s voice was soft, suffused with concern, as Jason positioned himself near the foot of the bed.
‘I feel great – better than even Genghis Khan,’ William replied, his expression serious. He was clearly still affected by the medication; his response was amusingly random.
‘What’s the matter, J?’ he asked, locking eyes with his tearful younger brother. ‘Did you get dust in your eyes?’ he teased.
‘That’s not funny,’ Jason said, his voice trembling as he grimaced in pain. ‘That’s not funny at all, Will.’ He shook his head and closed his eyes, fighting back emotions. I moved to his side and wrapped my arm around him, hoping to offer some semblance of comfort.
‘Better than Genghis Khan,’ John echoed with a chuckle. ‘That must feel great, indeed.’
‘Fucking amazing, actually,’ William said, flashing his father that familiar crooked smile. My heart fluttered painfully at the sight – oh, that damn irresistible smile…
‘My genes are just as formidable, if not better,’ William boasted. ‘Granted, he had countless concubines… That utter bellend. He couldn’t possibly have known all his children.’ He shook his head disdainfully. ‘What a fucking disgrace. Had I been his wife, I would have slaughtered him.’
The meds seemed to take his usual bravado to new heights, making him cockier and crazier than ever.
Daphné’s head dipped as she tried to stifle her reaction, but a faint giggle escaped her lips. ‘Language, William,’ she murmured, half-scolding, half-amused.
‘Oh, let him curse, Daphné,’ John interjected with a chuckle.
‘Yeah, let me curse, Mum. Fuck, cunt, shit, prick, tit—’ William’s list rolled off his tongue unchecked.
Jason let out an incredulous laugh. ‘This is hilarious.’
‘William,’ Daphné groaned, her tone a mix of exasperation and affection.
‘Sorry, I mean merde, putain—’ William switched to French, his cheeky defiance unrelenting until Daphné silenced him with a stern look.
William chortled. ‘Am I grounded?’
Daphné sighed, the sound heavy with a mother’s worry. ‘What am I to do with you?’ She bent over and covered her face, her shoulders shaking as she began to weep.
‘Love me unconditionally,’ William said softly. He lifted his left hand to gently stroke her blonde hair. ‘Don’t worry, Mum. I’m going to be all right.’
‘They’ve arrested the man responsible for this,’ John said, his tone sombre. ‘He’s in custody now.’
‘Andy was the one who intervened and got you help,’ I added.
Instantly, William’s piercing blue eye locked onto mine. ‘Andy?’
As I stared back at him, my face contorted with emotion – pain, relief, love. Beaten or not, he was a sight to behold. ‘Yes.’
He blinked a few times, clearly moved. ‘Well, then I owe him my life. Where is he now?’
‘He’s outside with Chloe, Alex, and Ivy,’ I replied. ‘They only allowed family members in.’
William raised a brow. ‘You’re not family – yet.’
My heart missed a beat at the implication, my lips parting slightly in surprise.
‘Well, apparently she’s your girlfriend,’ John interposed with a smirk, brushing away a tear from his cheek.
William’s lips twisted into a mischievous smile as he continued to gaze at me, his spirit undimmed. ‘In my dreams, definitely. But I plan to make that a reality someday.’
‘Well…’ Jason grinned, throwing a quick glance my way. ‘Cara’s already made that move.’