A soft chuckle drifted from Alex as I put my hand just beneath his shoulder. ‘Don’t worry,’ he said. ‘I’ve got excellent insurance.’
William smirked at us, his gaze shifting between our faces before settling on mine. ‘I’ll be back by the end of the next song,’ he said. ‘Try to survive until then.’
With a playful wink, he turned and walked away. As I watched him disappear toward the gents, my heart rate accelerated, and the tension in my shoulders increased. Alex’s hand found my back, drawing me closer. His scent enveloped me – a dark, seductive fragrance that was almost as intoxicating as William’s. Caught off guard, I felt a tangle of attraction and resistance, my cheeks warming. I knew I was only human, but it still felt odd to be enticed by another man’s scent.
‘You are quite the blusher,’ Alex remarked, a hint of amusement in his voice as he began to move.
Brilliant. He’d noticed.
‘Unfortunately,’ I muttered, feeling the heat intensify.
‘So is Ivy. Apparently, it’s very annoying.’
‘It is.’
He chuckled softly. ‘I find it rather charming, actually. It’s an honest trait.’
‘You mean because we can’t control it?’
‘Yes. Your words may say one thing, but your body tells a different story.’
His take coaxed a small smile from me.
‘You make a good pair, you know – you and Will,’ he said then, his gaze earnest. ‘You’re the perfect match for him, from what I can tell.’
His compliment, meant to reassure, instead added a layer of complexity to my feelings.
‘Thanks,’ I murmured, turning my gaze away. Just then, I noticed Oliver passing by. Our eyes met briefly, and we exchanged a quick smile.
‘I’m sorry about what you’re going through, though,’ Alex murmured.
The mention brought back an unwelcome rush of reality: William and Francesca had taken the test on Wednesday, and the result was due Monday. That same night, William and I had a long talk, deciding to temporarily suspend the looming concerns. We agreed to live in the present, to pretend as if the pregnancy didn’t exist until the result would force us to confront it, creating a bubble of blissful ignorance to shield us until then.
I sighed, wondering for a moment if Alex had asked me to dance solely to gauge my feelings about Francesca’s pregnancy – whether I planned to stay with William or leave. If that was his motive, I was certain William hadn’t suggested it. Still, I could understand Alex’s curiosity. He was likely just worried about his friend and trying to look out for him.
‘I’m sorry, too,’ I said, meeting Alex’s gaze. ‘But at least on Monday, we’ll finally get some clarity.’
‘Yes.’ He paused, his expression thoughtful. ‘You know, I’ve known Will my whole life, and he’s always been deeply committed to everything he does. But with you, there’s a certain peace, a contentment that’s hard to miss. It’s as if he’s found a missing piece. He’s better with you. It’s clear to all of us.’
A lump formed in my throat, my heart aching. Hearing how much I meant to William from his best friend’s perspective was overwhelming. I nodded slowly, trying to mask my vulnerability.
Alex shifted slightly, his Adam’s apple bobbing and betraying his discomfort. ‘It’s rare, Cara, to find someone who complements you so completely. No matter what the test results are, just know that he’s never loved anyone quite like he loves you.’
I inhaled sharply, feeling both honoured and terrified by the magnitude of what he said. It wasn’t just the words – it was the earnestness behind them, a mirror reflecting what I sometimes doubted I deserved.
‘Thanks, Alex,’ I murmured. ‘I appreciate that.’
Seeking a respite from the intensity of the conversation, I looked away, my eyes finding Ivy. She was seated at a table across the room, laughing with Beatrice.
Turning back to Alex, I forced a lighter tone. ‘Speaking of finding someone who complements you, how are things going with Ivy?’ I asked, hoping to steer our conversation toward safer shores.
He sighed heavily, his eyes flickering in her direction. ‘Not great. I’m still trying to work out how to show her I’m interested without overstepping the professional boundaries. Honestly, at this point, I’m starting to wonder if her obliviousness is just an act – hoping I’ll back off before things become awkward between us.’
‘Well, you’ve known each other since you were kids. Maybe she’s afraid to change your dynamic, fearing it might sour. She could be hesitant to take the risk, worried it might mean losing you if things don’t pan out.’
He frowned, and I saw him drifting miles into his mind, pondering. ‘What do you reckon I should do, then?’ he asked.
‘I’m not sure.’ I grimaced. ‘You’ll have to decide if pursuing her more openly is worth the potential fallout.’