
Hang on.

What did I just say? What?

I’m not planning to give you any choice, sunshine.

Where did that come from? Why did it sound and feel like a vow? More importantly, why don’t I feel the urge to retract it before she believes me?

And the biggest question of all: what the fuck has gotten into me since I laid eyes on this woman? It’s like she implanted a chip in my brain when I wasn’t looking. Now, suddenly, everything is all about her. How funny, smart, strong and beautiful she is. How grateful I am every time she deigns to allow me into her thrilling presence and smiles at me. How determined I am to a) make sure she never regrets confiding in me just now and b) make sure she never endures another hurt like the one her parents laid on her. How single-minded I am about fanning this spark between us into a flame and seeing how big it gets.

I’m thinking we’re working on an inferno here. And that scares the hell out of me.

I’m a divorced workaholic living the single life in the greatest city in the world. One week ago, I would’ve sworn that I don’t have the time or the inclination for any sort of a serious relationship right now. Been there, done that, blew that. Don’t feel the need to do it again anytime soon. Or even take a step toward that road.

Divorce, even a relatively amicable and fault-free divorce like the one I had, rips your guts out. Anyone who says it doesn’t is lying or a fool. Probably both. As a product of divorced parents and a divorced person myself, I’ve got no reason or immediate motivation to believe in anything long term.

Don’t get me wrong: I’m not a never say never kind of guy. One day, way off in the hazy future, I’ll probably think about getting married so I can have children.

But the thing is…

The thing is…

I always had little doubts whispering in my ear about Rebecca. They started from the get-go, whispered louder in the lead-up to the wedding and screamed at me before I finally decided to pull the plug on the marriage. Rebecca is pretty shallow, they said. Pretty materialistic. Pretty self-absorbed. Things are pretty challenging with her. A lot of power plays and misunderstandings. Not enough fun and laughter.

That stupid little voice was right all along. It usually is.

And what does the voice say about Ella?

Not much. Matter of fact, it’s silent except for one simple word:



I’m not looking for a her. I’m not in the market for a her.

And yet…

Ella makes my heart ache when she’s not here. She makes my heart pound when I see her again. She makes my heart skip every other beat when she smiles at me. She makes my heart stop when she touches me and lets me touch her. Everything my heart does these days is in response to her.

And her eyes. Her eyes. That bright blue of the happiest day you ever spent on a beach. Guarded one minute, amused the next. Usually warm. Always sparkling. Those eyes unravel me, man. Every single time. Like right now. I’m having zero luck getting used to them.

How long have I known her? A week. Seven short days.

This all scares the shit out of me, yeah, but it excites me more.

What does that say? What does that mean?

Have I lost my mind? Am I working on a brain tumor that hasn’t yet reared its ugly head? Does someone need to take me in for further evaluation?

Or is this… Could it be…normal?

Fuck if I know. Hell, my mother left my father for his best friend when my brothers and I were kids. My parents didn’t teach me anything more about normal relationships than Ella’s parents taught her.

All I know is that I don’t care who Ella’s mother was or what she did to make a living for her kid when times were tough. I was dead serious about that. Not everyone was lucky enough to be born into a family with money like my brothers and I were. Like Ella said, who am I to judge? Oh, and there’s one other thing I know for damn sure. I’d never let the mother of my child dangle in the wind financially. Any wife and/or child of mine will be well protected and provided for, whether I’m alive or not. Guaranteed. There’s no way I’d ever allow Ella to—