“Yes,” I say, feeling increasingly foolish. We don’t seem to be getting each other here, and I’m not sure whether it’s him or me. “I’m dying to know what your expectations are.”

“Have I not been abundantly clear?”

“Not really,” I say, excruciatingly aware that we’re having what’s turning out to be a very intimate conversation in a semi-public place where I’m supposed to be working. “I’ve never mastered the casual sex thing. It always seems to get messy. Are we talking another hookup? Random hookups here and there? Something else? Or have I already annoyed you enough with this conversation to make you want to call the whole thing off?”

He chokes back a laugh. “I’m into you, Ella. Big time. If it’s up to me, we’re talking getting to know each other. Very well. In bed and out. Dinners. Movies. The whole nine.”

I gape at him, my brain stalling out like some old car sputtering and dying on the side of the road.

“What? You don’t like me that much?” he says, looking wounded. “Is that your bottom line?”

“Absolutely,” I say, my head spinning. “Nothing is a bigger turnoff than a smart, funny and handsome guy—who’s great in bed, by the way—trying to spend time with me. I’m revolted.”

His expression softens, making his dimples pop and sexy little crow’s feet appear at the outer corners of his eyes.

“So that’s settled. Any other questions?”

I blink. “Guess not,” I say, more unsettled than ever.

“Great,” he says with what looks like grim satisfaction. “Did they put you in the back of the house for the night?”

What a nice euphemism for the room where I left my bag earlier, which was so austere that it must have been outfitted by the same folks who decorated the nearest penitentiary.

“You mean the servants’ quarters? Yes.”

“Forget that. You can stay with me in my rooms in the east wing. Third set of doors.”

My head continues to spin with the speed of all these developments.


“Don’t get excited,” he says, grabbing a mini éclair and then popping it into his mouth. “I know you’re insatiable where I’m concerned—”


“But it’s been a long day. And we should focus on getting to know each other better outside of bed, okay? See you soon. Don’t make me come looking for you.”