I drop my gaze and smooth my hair with a fidgety hand. I don’t like the way she’s looking at me all of a sudden. She always sees way too much and calls me out on it. Honestly, it’s a very annoying habit. At times like this, I wonder why I keep her around.
“I love this easy-breezy new attitude of yours,” she says. “Are you applying it to you and Ryker? Because he seemed pretty determined to reconnect with you when I talked to him the other day.”
“Wait, what?” This unexpected information kicks my heart rate into overdrive, where it’s been hovering all night anyway, to be honest, because I know Ryker is somewhere nearby. No doubt looking good enough to eat in his tux and dangling a gorgeous and high-powered socialite type from his arm. Someone who’s not skulking in the kitchen wearing clogs. “You talked to Ryker? About me?”
“Hmmm. Sorry.” She turns toward the door. I don’t mean to keep you. I’ll let you get back to work.”
I clamp a hand on her arm before she can move another muscle. “Your ass stays right here until you tell me what he said,” I snarl.
The witch laughs. “He said he didn’t get the chance to get your number. Presumably because he was too busy screwing your brains out to ask for it.”
“I could do without the commentary,” I say sourly.
More laughter.
“He seems to really like you. I’m surprised he hasn’t reached out to you by now. I really thought he would.”
“He did,” I say, her information making me equally ecstatic and miserable. “He stopped by Valentina’s to see me. Met Aunt Gilda and everything. They really hit it off.”
She beams, bouncing up and down on her tiptoes as she clasps her hands together in front of her heart. “So…?”
“So, I’m not getting involved with another rich guy,” I say, annoyed that I need to launch into this explanation with her for the umpteenth time. “I’ve had enough rich guys in my life. Strike that. I’m done with guys for the moment. You know that.”
“Oh, for God’s sake,” she mutters, rolling her eyes. “Are we still on that?”
“What? I had a bad breakup. I’m allowed to be gun-shy.”
“Be gun-shy all you want. That’s your business. But don’t tell me to go out there and have fun when you refuse to do the same thing yourself, you hypocrite.”
Nothing hurts worse than the nasty sting of the truth.
“Fine,”I snap.
“Fine. And just so you know, Ryker is a great guy. Everyone at the office loves him. Mellow. Down-to-earth. Great sense of humor. You’d never know he’s rich. You can’t say that about Damon or Griffin.”
“Exactly,” I say. “Ryker seems like a great guy. The kind of guy it would be easy to fall for if you’re not careful. And I’m betting he’s not going to fall for some pastry chef wearing a polyester uniform and catering his fancy party.”
Unfortunately, an edge of bitterness crept into my voice when I wasn’t looking. Naturally, it catches Bellamy’s attention.
She squeezes my arm, eyeing me with a mixture of pity and concern that drives me insane. In a bad way.
“Tell him about your parents’ relationship, Ella. Your background won’t matter to the right guy.”
“Yeah, sure.” I snatch my arm free, remembering all the bullying and fascinated horror I’ve encountered over the years whenever this topic comes up. “Whatever you say.”
“Don’t be mad,” she says, holding her hands up and backing away. “I just think you should give Ryker a chance.”
“And I just think you should give Griffin a chance. Enjoy the summer with him.”
“I’ll take it under advisement. Truce?”
“Truce,” I say, opening my arms.
We hug it out, restoring peace in the kingdom. By the time I let her go, we’re smiling at each other again.
“Love the dress, by the way,” I tell her. “I’m sure Griffin loves it too. I’m sure he can’t wait to rip it off you. Or reach up under it.”
“Stop that,” she says, laughing as she opens the door. “We really do need to get back to work.”