The shameless way she shouts my name and laughs with triumph as she comes and comes and comes.

I’d love to draw the moment out and let her savor her pleasure a bit more, but there’s no time for that. Not with my heart and lungs threatening to explode. So I do a hard roll and tumble her beneath me so I can take over. Whereupon she whips out a couple new moves on me and shifts her legs to my shoulders before smacking me on the ass. Honest to God, she takes me to a place so deep where the suction is so powerful that the room dims around me. My frenzied pumping falters. I may pass out a little. And the orgasm doesn’t shoot out of me so much as it tackles me to the floor, pummels me into submission and leaves me wounded and half-dead. But also happier and more spent than I’ve ever been in my entire life.

I have no idea how much time passes in that dark space of purest pleasure. All I know is that my soul finally rejoins my body when she shifts beside me, tickling my biceps with her hair when she raises her head, laughing.

I try to frown, but I feel like there’s no frown left in me.

“What’s so funny?”

“I didn’t know I come like that,” she says, still laughing. “I don’t know what you did to me, but I think I just saw Elvis.”

“Interesting,” I say, grinning now. “I think I figured out where they hid Hoffa.”

Our joint laughter produces an overwhelming sense of urgency inside me. I take her face in my hands and kiss her. Mouth. Nose. Eyes. Forehead. All of that. I would fuck her again if my dick were up to it. I’m so happy. So grateful. So desperate to keep her close while I can. To keep her smiling at me, exactly like this. To know that she’s not going anywhere. Not yet.

“I shouldn’t have told you I’ve had a crush on you this whole time,” she says, looking beautifully rumpled and breathless when I let her up for air. “Now you’re going to use that against me.”

“No, I’m not,” I say. It sounds more like a vow than I’d like to admit, but there’s nothing I can do about it. At this moment, I’m positive I’d promise Bellamy anything from half my fortune to a golden phoenix as a pet.

“You sure about that?”

“I’m positive,” I say. Another vow.

She nods, looking reassured.

I kiss her again because I can’t not be kissing her.

We shift again, facing each other with our heads propped on our hands.

“I have a question for you,” she says.

“Uh-oh,” I say, thrown off by the sudden severity of her tone.

She reaches under her pillow, pulls out her wrap and unfurls it with a flourish. “Is this mine?”

Oh. Shit.

I scrunch up my face and rub my forehead with my free hand. “Any chance we could…ignore that?”

“None whatsoever,” she says, trying not to smile.

What the hell. It’s not like she doesn’t know I’m seriously into her.

I shrug. “I couldn’t stand to let you go.”

Her dimples deepen until her expression radiates warmth. Steadiness. Complete understanding.

“That makes me really happy.”

Good. Because she makes me insanely happy.

“Where do we go from here, Bellamy?”

“Hopefully to somewhere where you keep calling me Bellamy. And keep smiling at me.”

I laugh. If only she knew.

“I think we’ve got that covered,” I say, pulling her close again.