“So why send me away?”

“Rank stupidity and cowardice. Why’d you come back?”

I pull back so I can see him and cup his face between my hands. In this overwhelming moment? I can’t love him hard enough.

“I never listen to you when I can help it.”

“Fair enough,” he says, laughing as he swings me around and lowers me to the chaise lounge before going to work on his clothes. He sweeps his shirt off first, revealing all that sun-kissed golden skin and sinewy muscle. I’m sure I’ve never seen anything as mouth-watering as the sight of the ladder rungs he’s got running through his abdomen without an ounce of fat on him. I’m thoroughly enjoying the view up top when he bends at the waist to get rid of his knit shorts, distracting me with his taut ass and the muscles flexing across his back. When he straightens, I see that he’s fully erect already, that big dick straining for me.

“You better get started on your clothes,” he says, his grin crooked when he sees the way I’m looking at him. “Unless you want me to ruin another dress.”

“This won’t take me long.”

I hastily get up on my knees and unwrap my belt, letting the dress fall open and slither off my shoulders. My bra goes next, freeing my breasts with a gentle bounce that does not go unnoticed by him. I’d planned to kick off my little sandals, but he doesn’t give me the chance before swooping in and rearranging me so I’m flat on my back.

“I’m not sure your mother would approve of us using her room like this,” I say as he stretches out on top of me, levering on his elbows and getting into position.

His grin turns wry as I eagerly spread my legs for him. I’m already creamy between the thighs, with spirals of desire making my inner muscles clench. Any foreplay now would be as useless as augmenting the Sahara Desert with bags of sand from the local Home Depot.

“This is our room now,” he says, taking his dick and running it through my juices, just to make sure I’m completely insane by the time he’s done with me. “And I can’t think of a better way to get her out of here.”

There’s time for a quick laugh, but then he lets out a serrated breath as he stares down at me. Suddenly the mood shifts between us, and this is no time for fun and games. I can tell it by the way his jaw tightens and all the intensity zeros in on me.

He curses.

“You’re so beautiful, Bellamy. I lose half my brain cells every time I look at you.”

Before I can respond—not that I know what to say when he looks at me like that—he thrusts hard, burying himself to the hilt inside me. My cry is sharp and helpless as I arch beneath him and scrape my nails up his back. Much as I want this to last forever, he stretches me too tight. Every minute movement of his hips hits every secret nerve ending that I possess.

Honestly, I never have a chance.

Especially when he starts talking.

“Do you know how much I missed you?” he says between endless kisses. “Huh? Do you have any idea?”

“I missed you too.”

“You had me moping around the house. Every day. Even the dog was sick of my ass.”

I can’t stifle a triumphant laugh. I don’t even bother trying. “Good. Serves you right. Maybe you’ll think twice before you get any additional bright ideas.”

“Don’t worry,” he says with a snort. “I’ve learned my lesson. I’m never letting you go again.”

“Make sure you don’t.”

He kisses me again, his sudden tenderness taking me by surprise. He strokes my temples and cheeks. Trails his long fingers down my torso and takes his time about circling back to my breasts. Massages my thighs and encourages me to hold him tighter.

His thrusts slow down but keep their power, unerringly hitting my sweet spot and spiking my pleasure higher than it’s ever gone before. He’s not happy until I’m breathless with it. Until I tremble and moan with it. Until our bodies are slick with sweat as his belly rubs across mine.

I stare up at him, mesmerized by that brilliant blue and the way he now seems lit from the inside.

“I could die like this,” I tell him, my voice barely audible. I’m not aware of crying until I feel a tear trickle down my temple, and he brushes it away with his thumb. “Exactly like this.”

“Funny. ’Cause I would die without you.”

I start to smile, but ecstasy chooses that moment to consume me from the inside out. It begins in rippling waves that mushroom to spasms that make my hips jackknife as I shout nonsense. His laugh sounds victorious as he picks up his pace. I draw my legs in and smack his ass, and that’s all it takes.

He stiffens and comes with a deep-throated rumble of triumph that makes me feel like the luckiest woman in the world. I hold him tighter, savoring the way his big body shudders and his shoulders heave as he tries to catch his breath. When it’s over, we find ourselves facing each other with our heads resting on the same pillow, exactly like we did that first night together.