“That’s okay,” I say, doing my best to hide my disappointment. “I was just wondering.”
With that, he swings the door open and ushers me into one of the most amazing libraries I’ve ever seen in my life. Endless windows facing the beach on one side. Two-story shelves on the other three sides. Ladders. Sofas. Tables. Marble statues. A huge stone fireplace.
Books. Books. Books.
I shriek with delight, clap my hands and launch myself at him, raining kisses all over his face as he laughs. Until one of my kisses connects with his mouth and the mood abruptly shifts. Suddenly these kisses have a purpose. An urgency.
This elegant and airy library hardly seems like the place for a quickie, but that’s the thing about quickies. They can’t wait. Griffin reaches around me and slams the door shut, his eyes blazing with passion. Then he backs me against the door and reclaims my mouth. I don’t know who reaches for my hemline first, but we somehow manage to get it up around my waist between kisses. We jointly yank my panties down my legs so I can kick them off.
As for his belt and zipper? I let him work on those. I’m too busy staring him in the face as I hook a leg around his waist. He is focused and intent as he frees himself, the hard lines of his face determined as he strokes my slick cleft and murmurs his approval.
There’s one second where we adjust, getting our angles right, and then he drives home. I can’t stifle my sharp cry, which means it bounces off all the hard surfaces in the room and probably echoes throughout the mansion.
I don’t care.
Neither does he, apparently.
He mutters a curse, his eyes rolling closed as he urges me to wrap my other leg around him before bracing both hands on the wall above either side of my head.
I’m ready to go, but he’s doing all the work here and needs a moment to adjust to my weight. Or maybe to control the slight tremble throughout his body. He’s a big, strong guy, but for a second, I wonder if he’s in pain. I have a nightmare image of causing his back to go out and having to explain why when the EMTs show up to take him to the emergency room.
“You okay?” I say.
We’re face to face, so I see the exact moment his expression eases past a smile and into a shaky laugh. His lids flick open again, revealing bright happiness.
Possibly even joy.
“That’s the dumbest question anyone has ever asked me in my entire life.”
I laugh too. “Just checking,” I say.
“I’m having a tough time getting enough of you,” he tells me, beginning to thrust and hitting my sweet spot with unerring precision. “Just so you know.”
I wrap my arms tighter around his neck and kiss him again as he fucks me against the door. A far better activity for my mouth than telling him the truth.
I’m having a tough time keeping the brakes on my feelings for you, Griffin. Just so you know.