“What if we drink our drinks and listen to the music. See where the night takes us. Can we do that?”
“Yeah,” she says softly. “We can do that.”
“Good. Come sit with me. So you don’t have to crane your neck.”
I slide her drink over to my side of the table, and she follows suit, easing into the banquette on my right side. I shift closer, taking care to brush my leg against hers.
“This is better, isn’t it? Easier for you to see the singer this way,” I say.
As if the singer is remotely on my mind at this moment.
“Make yourself comfortable,” Carly says dryly, looking a little startled.
“I will. Thanks.”
With that, I wrap my arm around her waist and pull her even closer. I leave my hand right where it is when I’m done, somewhere between waist and belly and not that far north of her pussy. She feels solid. Warm. Vibrant. Thrilling. To my immense pleasure and surprise, she covers my hand with hers, lacing our fingers together. I kiss her bare shoulder in response, noting the way she gasps and helplessly turns her head toward me. As though she hopes I might accidentally kiss her lips before pulling all the way back.
But I don’t. I sit there holding her and listening to a voice so evocative and beautiful that it makes my nape prickle. Maybe the martinis have been stronger than I thought, because for one wild second I think that I could live and die in this moment. Then it occurs to me that I’d rather die with her legs wrapped tight around my waist and me buried to the hilt inside her.
So I use my free hand to take her free hand and raise it to my mouth for a lingering kiss. And when I’m done with that, I lay her hand on my thigh, palm up, and trace letters while we listen to the music.
W. A. N. T.
Y. O. U.
She ducks her head and grins, curling her fingers around mine.
“Look at me,” I murmur, tapping her chin to make sure she does as I say.
She does, reluctantly, her glittering eyes taking up my entire field of vision at this close range. I wonder again what color they are, but there’s time for that. I’ll find out later.
“If you don’t want me, now’s your chance to say so,” I tell her.
“You know I want you,” she says, much to my profound relief. I didn’t think she’d admit it so easily. “But I never do this sort of thing.”
There’s only one possible response to that.
“What you and I have done before is irrelevant to what you and I are going to do with each other tonight.”
Her eyes unfocus as she thinks this over, then zero in on my face once she decides.
“And what’s that?” she asks, a soft and secret smile curving her lips.
I stare at her for a beat or two, lost.
Swear to God, I am going to fucking eat this woman alive.
“You’re going to wait for me in the lobby while I book us a room upstairs,” I tell her. “When we get up there, you’re going to let your hair down so I can see it. You’re going to let yourself go and have fun with me. You’re going to be a tiger. All night. And I’m going to do my best to make you come harder than you’ve ever come in your life. No questions asked. No regrets.” I pause, giving my words time to sink in. “Deal?”
A subtle but delightful shiver runs through her.
“Deal,” she says.