

I’m levered up on my elbows, so I have the perfect view of her face. I’ll never forget the astonishment in her expression or the dewiness of her plump berry lips as they ease into the sultry smile of a woman who’s getting exactly what she wants and needs. The way her chest rises and falls against mine. Those pointy nipples. The way her thighs immediately rise to grip my hips.

I’ll never get over how tight her pussy is. How slick. How fucking hot.

“I want a million years of this,” I say, beginning to move. “Just so you know.”

There may have been a triumphant laugh from her, but hell, I don’t know. I’m not in my right mind. My right mind and I aren’t even on the same continent.

All I know is that I fuck her long and hard and she gives as good as she gets. She grabs my head and pulls me in, demanding my mouth. Kisses me until I can’t breathe and don’t care about breathing. She treats my ass to a few stinging slaps, giving me encouragement that I don’t need. She sighs and moans. Whispers frantic things that I can’t quite hear.

This goes on and on, until the wet smacks between our sweaty bodies threaten to drown out our voices. Her name becomes my mantra, pouring out of my mouth repeatedly. There may be some other stuff jumbled in there, words about how hot she is. How amazing. How ridiculously sexy. Who can say?

My lower back begins to ache from my thrusting hips, but that doesn’t matter. My burning thighs don’t matter.

The only thing that matters?

Driving. Her. Fucking. Insane.

My reward comes when she stiffens and arches beneath me, her voice rising in a single high note of anguished pleasure. I lock my muscles, determined to keep her there in that suspended ecstasy for as long as possible. Not until she eases down and starts to catch her breath after several beats do I rev up my hips again, thrusting hard enough against her sweet spot to make her body spasm and her cries multiply exponentially.

Only when I’m sure that she’s given me all she’s got do I let myself go to where my body drives me. I thrust harder and harder, shouting her name.

And I wouldn’t say that I finally come. What do you call it when the orgasm is ripped from your body, leaving you shattered and ruined?

What’s the word for that?

By now my arms are aching with exertion. My thighs are rubber. I don’t want to crush her, so I ease to my side, taking her with me and feeling an inexplicable stab of disappointment when I pull out.

That’s when it hits me.

For the first in my life, I just had unplanned unprotected sex.

I lie there, stunned, as the realization sinks in.

First, what the fuck?

Second, a woman in Carly’s position doesn’t need the scandal of an unwed pregnancy. Her father the duke and her grandmother the Queen won’t thank her for embarrassing the family, and that’s on top of the fact that her stated plans for her life don’t include a kid at this point. She and I are barely starting to get our act together with each other. She’s counting on me to protect her. She can’t very well learn to trust me if I let my hormones poison my judgment every time she walks in the room.

You need to do better by her, asshole.

Third, and I’m surprised at how distant a consideration this is, a man in my position needs to protect his own fool self. The world is full of billionaire baby mama wannabees. Not that Carly’s in that category or ever would be. She’s not after my money. I know that in my bones.

Still. I always wear condoms. Always.

She stirs next to me. I reflexively tighten my grip to keep her close.

“I wasn’t aware that we were trying to become parents and share all our various rashes, warts and sores,” comes that wry voice, drowsy now as she smooths her hair out of her face and looks up at me. “Luckily, I’m on the pill, so you don’t need to worry about becoming a father in nine months. But we should do better next time. Don’t you think?”

I blink, the words sinking in.

So we didn’t just make a kid. Good to know. Great news. I never much saw myself as the fatherly type anyway. Not after the way my parents burned our family to the ground on their way to a divorce decree.

Wonder why this dose of common sense just pricked my euphoric bubble?