Mmmm. Delicious. Fresh oysters and womanly musk. Nirvana.
Just as I’m about to turn her around, back her onto the bed and settle one of her legs on my shoulder so I can have a good, long taste and hopefully also work her into a frenzy, she surprises me by turning to face me, a determined light in her eyes.
Oh, shit.
Goosebumps erupt all over me, race their way up my spine and collect at the nape of my neck.
“You know what I want?” she says huskily, staring me in the face as she rubs her hands down my belly and scrapes her nails back up, over my pecs. Down. Up. “I want to drive you out of your fucking mind.”
Shaky laugh from me. “Mission accomplished, sweetheart.”
“Not quite,” she says, nimbly dropping to her knees in front of me.
This woman eases my boxers down my legs and off. Then she takes me deep inside the relentless suction of her mouth and, I’m telling you, it’s game over. The visuals undo me as much as the sensations. The way her slick tongue rubs and works me. The way her cheeks suck in around me. The way those plump lips pucker around my head. The humming vibration from her victorious laugh as I moan her name and cup her head. The occasional flash of her eyes as she watches me and misses nothing.
Her glistening pink tongue. Her tongue. Her tongue.
The way it licks me from bottom to top, up one side and down the other. The way it circles my head, over and over again. The way it licks her lips as she stares up at me, confident in her skills and her ability to reduce me to a mindless hulk ruled by his rock-hard dick and surging hormones.
At some point, an existential crisis kicks in. I don’t want the sweet torture to stop, for obvious reasons. On the other hand, her tender pussy needs some attention and I still don’t know what color her nipples are.
And I am not giving her the last fucking word when it comes to driving people crazy.
So I step back, extracting myself from her mouth with some difficulty. Marvel at my ability to stand upright at all at this crucial juncture. Pull her up, push her back onto the bed and yank her forward by the hips until she’s right where I want her.
Then I ease my way between her legs and settle her thighs on my shoulders.
“You know what I want, princess?”
“World peace?”
That dry British accent, especially in heated moments like this, kills me.
“Funny,” I say, pressing my thumb to her clit hard enough to make her cry out as her hips jackknife off the bed. “I want to ruin you for anyone else. Ever again. How you like that?”
I lower my head without giving her a chance to respond and help myself to the sweetest and hottest pussy in the world. Every single inch of her slick cleft gets nuzzled, licked, tasted and savored. My skill set seems to meet with her approval. She gasps and squirms, writhing to get away while also holding my head in a death grip. Surrounded by the plump flesh of her thighs and saturated by the clean scent of her feminine musk, I’m sure that I’ve tapped into a direct line to heaven. God knows I’m not complaining if this is my last moment on earth.
On the other hand…
I’ve still never seen her nipples. And I really want her pussy to milk me dry when she comes.
So I surge to my feet, pausing to lick her navel and love on her lower belly before I straighten all the way up.
She never takes her eyes off me, greedy with anticipation.
I can’t take my eyes off her. It takes me a long moment to savor her from head to toe and appreciate her shapely legs, manicured strip of red hair below her bikini line, heaving breasts hidden behind the cups of her strapless bra and all that pale skin, rosy now with desire. To watch as she slides back up the bed, settles with her head on the pillow and her hands massaging between her legs, picking up where I just left off.
She arches a brow. “Am I going to have to finish myself off?”
“Not on your life. Get rid of this,” I say, reaching behind her to unhook the bra with a flick. I pull the thing free and watch, drunk with anticipation, as her soft breasts bounce into place and I glimpse her erect nipples for the first time. You’d think I just discovered that she’s a fucking mermaid in disguise. “Ah, shit. They’re coppery. Like your freckles.”
Husky laugh from the princess. “Is that an important detail?”
Her amusement at my expense doesn’t bother me. “Crucial. I’ll have to come in for a closer look.”
“By all means,” she says, reaching for me. “The girls have been feeling quite neglected.”
I would laugh, but my mouth has more important things to do. I stretch out on top of her and lick one nipple. Palm the other. Suck that first nipple. Massage the other. When she begins to shift restlessly and wraps her arms around my head to keep me close, I step up my game and work her harder. Switch sides. Press those amazing breasts together and make a sandwich out of my face.