“I may have to go to Tokyo,” I tell her, my voice husky.
She nods, two blazing patches of color concentrated in her cheeks. “Okay.”
“I’ll see you in London this weekend. At your father’s.”
“Doesn’t your grandmother live in London?”
“She does,” she says with a startled laugh.
I nod with grim satisfaction. “Good. I hope you get your shit together this weekend. With her and with Percy, just in case you two have any lingering loose ends to tie off. Because I’m not sharing you.”
This, naturally, makes her bristle. She straightens her spine.
“I’m not a bag of crisps to be shared or not shared. If I want to respond to Percy when he texts me, I’ll do that. I’m allowed to be friends with him if I choose to and if he wants it.”
I feel a humorless smile tug on one corner of my mouth. This woman is so smart, sexy and beautiful. So intriguing. So maddening.
“I’m not arguing,” I say flatly. “I’m not getting into semantics. Whatever the fuck you are? You belong with me. And we both know it. So get your shit together. This weekend.”