My astonishmentquickly gives way to a dizzying wave of relief. Yes, relief. Relief to have found him again when I was so afraid he was gone forever. To touch him again. Most of all? Relief that he has snatched the reins from my hands and is firmly in control of this thing that we both seem to want and need.
I drop my clutch. We come together in a kiss that feels hard and punishing but also gloriously welcome. He makes a masculine sound of triumph as he grabs my ponytail and uses it to angle my head back for better access to my mouth. I open for his tongue as it slips inside, desperate to take him deeper. To drown in his sophisticated scent of incense and amber. My arms and hands move on their own, eagerly wrapping around his shoulders and seeking the solidity of his scalp beneath that thick hair. I press my body tight against his. Tighter. And when that is still not close enough, I wrap a leg around his thigh. My reward for this bold move in the middle of a cocktail reception that includes my father? Damon’s groan of encouragement as he plants his hands on my ass, lifts me so I can wrap both legs around his waist and tumbles me down to the nearest leather sofa.
He stretches out on top of me and settles there—ah, God, right there—in the cradle between my hips, his unyielding cock unerringly hitting my sweet spot with every powerful thrust as he finds the perfect rhythm. I cry out, unable to keep the spiraling jolts of gathering ecstasy inside my body.
“Quiet down, little tiger,” he says in that black-velvet voice as he locks his hips in place. “If you think I’m going to let you come before you apologize, you’d better think again.”
“I’m sorry.” The words, bottled up inside since almost the moment the door to his hotel suite clicked shut behind me, can’t pour out of my mouth fast enough. It’s a relief to confess. To own it. “I’m so sorry.”
“For walking out on you like that.”
“Why did you?”
I teeter on the edge of a shattering orgasm as I struggle to catch my breath and get my words right.
“I was afraid it would be awkward in the morning. Or that you’d kick me out when you woke up.”
A humorless laugh from Damon. “Kick you out? Your situational awareness needs serious work.”
“I know,” I whisper. “I’m so stupid.”
“You’re not stupid. But don’t pull a fucking stunt like that again.”
“I won’t.” I palm his face and pull him in again because I’ve had enough talking. “I won’t.”
“Did you think about me?”
“Constantly. It’s been very annoying.”
The hint of his smile gives way to another sumptuous kiss. More uncontrollable cries from me as he grips my ass to anchor me and his hips began to swivel. The gleam of dark amusement in his eyes as he watches me helplessly unravel.
“Does he touch you like this? Make you crazy like this? Percy?”
I laugh. The question is so absurd. “You know he doesn’t. You think this is normal behavior for me? Any of it?”
The flash of that pirate’s smile from Damon.
“You were going to marry him? Anyone can see you’d be bored to tears. You’d make mincemeat out of him by dinner. That’s plain as the nose on my face, and I’ve only known you for ten minutes.”
“Yes, well, where were you when I was telling him yes?”
“I’m here now. And no one else touches you.”
He may have me where he wants me and I may well have overdosed on his pheromones, but I still resist being told what to do.
“I’ll decide who touches me and who doesn’t,” I say.
“It’s not up for discussion.”
He’s right. It’s not. Not when he slowly trails his fingers across the top of my bosom, right at the lacy edge of my camisole, at the same time as a particularly well-placed thrust.
I fly apart, raw pleasure making my heart stop, my back arch and entire body stiffen. He holds me while I ride it out, until the last aftershocks ripple through my cooling body, leaving only embarrassment and growing uncertainty.