“First of all, I’m not in the market for a husband. Second, you were just advocating for Percy not half an hour ago.”
“One rich man’s as good as any other,” he says, shrugging.
“If you’re so determined to solve your financial problems through marriage, allow me to suggest that you land a rich wife. And leave me out of it.”
“That tone is unnecessary, Charlotte. When you get to be my age, I think you’ll find—”
“Sorry, Daddy,” I say, spying my chance with Damon when he says something curt to the woman and she turns away, looking disappointed. “Excuse me for just…”
I dash off, intercepting Damon as he accepts a martini from the bartender.
He goes very still at the sight of me. Waits, one brow up.
I stand there like an idiot for several seconds, my courage draining away. It’s one thing to plan an articulate and heartfelt apology when I’m safely across the room. Something else again when confronted with the forbidding lines of his tight expression. Not to mention the fact that my royal status makes most people I encounter eager to please. Damon Black evidently hasn’t received that memo.
Foolish of me to expect him to make this easy for me. He is clearly a master of saying whatever the fuck he wants.
I find that wildly exhilarating and refreshing.
“I’m not sure how I feel about this pending visit of yours,” I say, bristling under his unforgiving gaze and shelving the apology for now. “Not that you care.”
He barks out a humorless laugh. Takes a leisurely sip of his drink.
“And you are a model of consideration about other people’s feelings, aren’t you, princess?”
“Pardon me?”
“You couldn’t wake anyone up?” He leans in and lowers his voice, mindful of the crowd that I’ve already forgotten about. “You couldn’t spare two seconds to think about how I’d feel when I woke up and realized you’d split without a word or a note? What happened to the golden rule? They don’t teach you basic manners at the palace, princess?”
“Stop calling me that,” I snap, undone by his vehemence. “I actually came over to apologize, but maybe this isn’t the time. Since you can’t be civil.”
Damon downs the rest of his drink and slams the empty glass on the bar.
“You’re right. I’m pissed off at the world, which is your fault. This isn’t the time.”
And he turns his back on me and walks off again, leaving me gaping and foolish at this anticlimactic moment.
For fuck’s sake. What am I supposed to do now?
“I’m not finished talking to you,” I say impotently.
He keeps going without a backward glance.
Well, what’s a hormone-crazed girl to do?
I follow him, that’s what, hurrying through the crowd with a bland social smile plastered to my face as I track his progress out of the main area and down a long and deserted hallway with several closed doors on either side. I catch up to him as he peers inside the first room, frowns and shuts the door again.
“Walk away, princess,” he says, heading to the next door and checking inside. I catch a glimpse of a dimly lit library. “I’m going to take a piss and then I’m going to leave. I’m trying not to lose my temper with you.”
“Well, I’ve bloody well lost my temper with you,” I say, hurrying around to block him as he shuts the door, hopefully preventing him from walking off again. “You don’t get to dictate the terms of—”
“I don’t get to dictate?”
The new note in his voice—velvety but also dangerous—catches my attention. So does the unwavering intensity in his eyes.
I know that look. I’ve been dreaming about that look for three weeks.