He surprised me, but I quickly kissed him back without thinking. Things could have gone a lot further, and I wanted them to go further at the time, yet I’m glad he stopped us when he did. Sex will just complicate things, and I want to keep things as uncomplicated as possible, at least until I figure out what in the underworld is going on.

Fantasies of the two of us together have passed through my mind in the privacy of my rooms on dark, lonely nights, but I never thought that anything would ever actually happen. He’s Crux, king of the underworld. Besides, a kiss doesn’t mean anything, not in our world, but why does it feel like it means everything?

Crux has always had my back, and I trust him more than anyone else in this world. He’s been the only constant in my life for as long as I can remember. Last night alone proves how much I trust him.

I fell asleep in his arms.

I’ve never fallen asleep with anyone else in my bed, always kicking my bed partner out before then. A person is at their most vulnerable when they are asleep, and I don’t allow myself to be vulnerable.


When I woke, I found he had left me a letter promising that he would be back and we would talk, but instead of calming me, it only put me on edge. I destroyed the letter as soon as I finished reading it, not wanting to risk it being found.

It doesn’t help that I’m being prodded, poked, and changed into the image expected of me. Tired, frustrated, and grouchy are just the beginning of my turbulent emotions this morning, and being pushed around is only making my mood worse. I’ve played many roles in my life, and while a princess was never one of them, I’ve acted as a maid to noble ladies enough that I know what happens.

One of the young women tries to pry the cami from my hand, holding it tightly to my body, and I bare my teeth at her in a snarl, momentarily forgetting the role I’m playing. The maid jumps back as though I actually bit her, clutching her hand to her chest. Good. That will teach her to ask before grabbing a stranger’s clothes.

Madame Kane, the strict, matronly woman who arrived this morning with the troupe of maids and ladies-in-waiting, walks over to me with a heavy frown, her arms crossed over her ample bosom.

“Princess, you must release the camisole if we are to get you dressed.”

The chatter in the room quietens as all attention turns to me and the madame. It’s clear that she takes no nonsense and isn’t used to people refusing her staff’s help. She might be below me in hierarchy, but that doesn’t stop her from staring me down.

My first reaction is to lash out and tell her to back the fuck off, but I force myself to remember why I’m here. Racking my brain, I search for a reason that would make sense.

I raise a delicate brow as I fall back into character. “Where I am from,” I begin, my voice soft, “it is an offence to see the undressed body of a royal.”

The madame’s eye twitches as she realises I’m not going to back down on this matter. Swallowing back whatever retort she was going to bite out, she smiles tightly and dips her head.

“Then perhaps you will allow the two who bathed you to get you into your undergarments?” Her expression is so rigid, it looks as though her face is about to crack. “They have already seen you undressed. The others and I will wait in the other room until you are covered.”

Getting me to agree to being bathed by others had been a battle in itself. I had insisted that I was able to bathe myself repeatedly, but that was a fight I wasn’t going to win. Madame Kane explained that they would be remiss not to bathe me and would be punished if they did not complete their duty. After a long discussion, the madame and I came to an agreement that only two ladies would assist me in bathing.

They have already seen my scars, so it makes sense that if anyone is to see me naked again, it would be them. While it’s more of an order than a suggestion, I reluctantly grit my teeth and nod my head. For the briefest of moments, a smile flickers on her lips, becoming real as I agree. However, it’s gone in a flash, and before I know it, she’s clapping her hands and ordering everyone else into the other room.

Finally alone with the two ladies from earlier, I drop my cami to the ground, exposing myself so they can begin their job. Neither of them bat an eye at my sudden nudity nor the scars on my body. However, I know they saw them when they were bathing me earlier from the hesitation I felt as they washed the largest of the marks.

As they quietly get me into the hellish undergarments those in higher society wear, I allow my mind to wander. Attending court is one of the main responsibilities expected of me as the future wife of the king, and although I’m dreading it, it will be a good opportunity for me to get the lay of the land. Women of high society are treated like pretty little objects to be seen and not heard, but really, they know everything that’s going on. It’s the perfect place to pick up on the newest gossip, and I might learn something about the plans to kill Joha.

Underwear, camisole, bloomers, petticoats, and a corset later, I’m ready for the rest of my outfit. Staring at myself in the mirror, I hardly recognise the woman in the reflection. My skin has been scrubbed and buffed and is glowing slightly from the bronzing powder they brushed over me once I’d bathed. The corset and skirts enhance my figure, giving me a curvier appearance, and my hair has been braided and twisted up on my head like a crown.

While I hate all the layers that restrict my movement, there is plenty of room to strap weapons to my body without anyone knowing. The corset is a hindrance, but thankfully I’ve trained while wearing a corset after almost losing my life due to one, so I know I can manage if necessary. Once the madame leaves, I’ll see if I can convince one of the maids to select dresses that don’t require corsets.

The ladies-in-waiting begin fluttering around once more, and I have to keep still as they drape me in fabrics. I hate this more than I can say, and my hands start to become twitchy with my wish that I had my daggers on me. Madame Kane watches on with stern approval, occasionally commenting.

Eventually, after what feels like hours, I’m ready.

Even I have to admit that the dress is stunning.

The deep forest-green dress has a high neckline that almost reaches my chin, hugging my collarbone and winging out over my shoulders in an armour effect. The rest of the bodice is just as form-fitting and would seem fairly modest if not for the peephole on the neckline, revealing most of my chest, only stopping just above my breasts where the bodice begins once more. There is golden detailing on the edge of the bodice, and light gold chains crisscross over my exposed skin.

Long, gauzy sleeves flow down my sides, giving the look an ethereal effect. The skirt itself is plain, the fabric layered artfully over my petticoats.

I may not be wearing a crown, but I look like a queen.

When they were dressing me, I thought they were going over the top for a session in court. This is the nicest dress I’ve ever worn, and to waste it on court seems like a crime. However, now that I’m looking at myself, I feel like I’m ready to tackle the day.

“I think you’re ready, Princess.” Madame Kane appears in the mirror behind me, and I slowly turn to face her. Running her gaze over me, she steps forward and brushes an invisible piece of lint from the dress, then she nods her head once. “Men wear their armour into battle, and it’s just as fitting that you wear yours as you head into your own battlefield.”