It’s an empty row of shops, since everyone is at the parade, and the sudden silence bar the random fireworks makes my breathing seem loud.

The figure glances back, showing slitted, dark eyes between the gap in the cloak and the mask. Grabbing a crate from the empty stall next to them, they turn and fling it at me.

I lift my arm and block the box flying towards me. It shatters, making my arm throb, but I keep moving, refusing to let it slow me down.

What they don’t realise is this street ends in a dead end, and as they reach it, they glance back, noticing I’m getting closer. With no other choice, they rush at the eight-foot wall.

The figure leaps over it. Stepping back, I take a running jump at the wall and hit the side of a building to the left, using it to push off and then flip over the wall. I land on my knees on the other side, now in Cairns Province, and jump up into a run.

We duck and weave, taking all the side streets in Cairns Province, which tells me they know exactly where they are going. It’s probably a trap, but I have to stop them or they will just come back and try to kill Joha again.

Constance was right.

It’s not over, but it will be tonight.




My breathing is loud, controlled but loud, as I dash after the robed attacker, gaining on them with every winding street. We suddenly break out onto the front of the docks, the crashing of ocean waves reaching us as they race across the concrete edge. The ships to our left set off more fireworks, throwing embers down around us as I race after them. The whole place is abandoned and empty, waiting for the celebration to reach it.

Pulling a dagger as I run, I hurl it with all my strength. They must sense it because they weave at the last moment, and it catches their side, making them stumble. I leap, and we tumble across the concrete, my head dangling off the edge of the dock as they pin me, but I kick out, and they fly back.

I flip to my feet and pull another dagger, moving away as we circle each other, neither of us flinching as fireworks explode above us.

“Well, I’m waiting.” I smirk, and they rush me. I duck under their arms and kick out their legs, but they manage to get back up and spin. They fist my dress and yank it, and it almost rips, exposing my shoulder as I snarl.

“You asshole!” I spit.

They glance at the now exposed mole on my shoulder, one I’ve had since I was a child, and they freeze. I use the opportunity to spin out of his grasp and kick out, sending them flying backwards a few steps.

Panting, I brandish a dagger as I stare at them, waiting for their next move, but I don’t expect them to just stare. They reach up, and I prepare to react, but they press their fingers to their eyes, pulling something free, and I blink. Suddenly, bright green orbs stare back at me from under that cloak as he yanks down his mask to reveal pouty pink lips and sharp cheekbones dusted with freckles.

“What are you doing?” I hiss in confusion. Why isn’t he trying to kill me?

Why is he unveiling his face? That’s something no assassin would do willingly.

Reaching up slowly, he pushes his hood back, and bright red hair springs out in every direction as he combs his hand through it, a cheeky grin tugging up his lips as I stumble back in horror, gaping at his pale face, green eyes, and red hair.

The same as mine.

“Hello, sister. It’s been a long time. It is you, isn’t it? I knew the king had a red-haired protector, but I never imagined it was you. You always hated that mole. I told you it was a sign of strength. It’s you . . . You’re my little sister. My Alyx.”

I stare at the face that is both familiar and not. He’s older, with burns down the left side of his face and neck.

It’s him though.

If he had grown up, if he had gotten older, then this is exactly what my brother would have looked like—a mix of my mother and father.

“How?” I whisper, my heart lurching as I stand frozen to the spot, scarcely able to believe it nor comprehend how this is possible. “I saw you die.”

“No,” he snaps before he blows out a breath. “You saw the fire starting to consume me after I ordered you to run. I managed to free myself and climb out of the back window. I did not die in that fire like our parents.” He takes a step towards me. “I thought you were dead as well. I searched for you, but I couldn’t find you anywhere. I thought they found you and killed you like our parents and staff.”

Shaking my head, I stumble back a step, swallowing around a lump in my throat as we stare at each other.

“Alyx . . .” He steps closer again, and I remember why we are here.