The atmosphere in the room changes, becoming electric as debates and whispers break out around the hall. This is not going the way she wanted.

“This is ridiculous.” Gritting her teeth, Queen Mother finally stands and gestures to me. “She has been twisting your mind, Your Majesty. The princess is probably trying to destroy us from the inside so her kingdom can take over.”

I have to admit, she does have a way of warping things to make them work for her. It’s a good excuse, and I feel the crowd’s allegiances shifting back and forth. Joha squeezes my hand, kissing the back of it in a show of support. He doesn’t show even the slightest hint that he’s doubting me, and I know that will go some distance to proving we’re right.

“This isn’t your first time trying to kill a king though, is it, Queen Mother?” Joha asks loudly, returning his sharp gaze to the woman in question.

“What do you mean, Your Majesty?” one of the councilmen who used to be loyal to Joha asks, leaning forward in his seat, his brow furrowed.

Standing tall, Joha addresses the councilman, his voice loud even as he wobbles over the words a little, pain filling them. Later, he will have time to grieve the truth, but for now, he must utilise it and seize the moment before it’s too late. “She killed my father.”

Pandemonium ensues at the bold declaration. Shouts, questions, and bellows of treason echo around the room, and our guards have to take a step closer to us to make sure that no one can break through their circle of protection.

“Out of order!”


“Where is the proof?”

The exclamations keep coming, the noise so loud it’s impossible to make out who is saying what. I turn to face the crowd and raise a hand. Seeing the gesture, the nobles slowly fall silent, and I smile in thanks. I gesture for Healer Arbella to step forward. “Please explain who you are, how you know the royal family, and what you know about this matter.”

“My name is Darus Arbella, and I was the royal healer for almost twenty years. Some of you might remember me, as I helped deliver your children into the world.” He smiles, nodding his head in the direction of a few people he recognises. That smile quickly slides from his face as he moves on to the real reason he’s here. He releases a long, pent-up breath. “I worked here in the palace and cared for the king as he was dying.”

Pausing, he lowers his head slightly, and I can almost feel his pain at the loss of his friend.

“I know for a fact that Queen Mother was slowly poisoning the king. She was adding small amounts of poison to his tea. She was getting away with it until I queried if he was being poisoned, as no natural illness worked that way.” Lacing his fingers together, he rests them on his stomach, his words factual as he continues to explain. “She panicked and gave him a strong enough dose to kill him, yet in doing that, it was possible for me to detect it in my tests.” The room is quiet enough to hear a pin drop, everyone straining to hear the healer’s words.

“I confronted her, and she told me she believed it to be a sleeping medicine and she would never hurt him, but I knew the truth. I had seen how she treated him when she thought no one was watching and how much she hated him. I raised the issue with the council at the time, but I was laughed at, and they wrote me off as a grief-stricken old man.” Anger enters his voice as he stares at Queen Mother. “Prince Joha was never told, and I began to fear for my life, so I left and haven’t come back until now.”

“This is—how ridiculous!” Queen Mother protests, unable to form words. She’s losing her composure, knowing there is too much evidence against her. At the very least, she needs to be questioned, even if there wasn’t enough information to pin this on her.

“Arrest her. We can interrogate her in the dungeons,” Joha calls, and this time, the guards hurry forward, dragging Queen Mother from the throne she has sacrificed so much for and towards the exit of the hall.

No one tries to help her, and even her most vocal supporters look elsewhere as she is taken away, unable to meet her gaze. Self-preservation runs strongly through the councilmen, and right now, Queen Mother is a sinking ship. If they were to speak up or try to fight for her, they know they will just end up in the dungeons—a dangerous place to be when you’re trying to hide your involvement in a plot to assassinate the king.

“You will pay for this, Joha!” Queen Mother shouts as she is wrestled from the room. All pretence of a calm, gentle woman is gone, revealing the power-hungry person beneath. Dignity flees when faced with the truth, her face puffing red, her eyes narrowed in vile hatred as she struggles against the guards. “You and your conniving betrothed will pay!”

I feel Joha quaking ever so slightly, so I squeeze his hand. It is probably his adrenaline, but it could also be relief. This is not over yet though. We might have dealt with the most difficult part, but there is still something very important to handle. Keeping his hand in mine, I take a step forward and turn to face him. I cup his face, and when I speak next, I make sure my voice projects so everyone can hear us.

“Take back your throne, my king.”

This seems to release him from whatever gripped him. Taking a deep breath, he strides forward with me at his side. Joha takes my hand and gestures towards the smaller throne beside his and helps me into it. Smiling up at him, I follow his lead, fully aware of everyone watching us. He rolls his shoulders back and slowly sits in his throne, gripping the armrests tightly.

“All hail the king!” Orion shouts out, and I’m surrounded by the echoed yells of the rest of the hall, the sound almost deafening.

“All hail the king! All hail the king!”




Joha stares at his people, all eyes on him. They look to him for answers, for leadership. Now is his time to become the king he always has been but they never saw.

Gone is the puppet king, and in his place is a true ruler. As my eyes rove across his face, I know it will be the last time I sit at his side like this. We are a farce after all, and he got what he needed. He’s safe now, Queen Mother cannot hurt him, and the truth is out. I don’t fit into his plans for the future anymore, and my heart clenches at that reminder. Grief fills me until I can barely breathe as he starts to speak, oblivious to my turmoil.

“Today has been shocking. I know you must all have questions, which I will answer in due time. For now, I believe it is best for everyone to return home. We have a traitor to deal with and investigations to conduct, but I promise I will protect this kingdom with everything I have. We will not be deceived ever again. In honour of my father and the duty I am sworn to, I vow this to you. We will survive, and we will flourish.” Standing once more, he looks at his subjects. “For now, allow us the privacy to grieve for what we have lost and the treachery that has been discovered.” He turns to me. “Shall we, my love?”