Although there is fear in his eyes, he stands and rolls his shoulders back. “I have hidden for far too long. I will do what is needed of me.”

Good. Without him, it is just our word against Queen Mother’s. However, Arbella was a well-known, respected healer. The nobility will listen to him. They have to.

Somewhere below us, a floorboard creaks, and we all freeze in place. Listening closely, I try to distinguish where the sound is coming from. Before I get the chance to work it out, there’s a knock on the small hatch that separates the roof from the floor below it.

A second knock follows, then a third and fourth in a distinctive quick-slow pattern, letting me know exactly who is here.

Hurrying to the hatch, I peer through the tiny peephole and see a familiar face. Throwing it open, I step back to allow Crux to enter. As soon as he’s in and shuts the hatch behind him, he wraps his arms around me tightly. Without caring that we have an audience, he presses his lips to mine, and we share a passionate kiss. I can feel how much he missed me in his kiss alone, and I make sure he can feel the same from me.

Pulling back, he ignores Orion’s pointed cough as he runs his eyes over me, checking for injury. “I am so glad you’re back. I have been going out of my mind. Are you okay?”

If it wasn’t for everything that happened recently and all the near misses, I would be offended that he thinks I can’t defend myself. I know this is coming from a place of love, though, so I keep those thoughts to myself.

“I’m fine,” I promise, a smile pulling at my lips as I gesture to the other male in the room. “This is Healer Arbella. He cared for the king when he died. This is the proof we needed.” My words trip out of my mouth quickly, my excitement carrying them away. My happiness slowly fades away as I realise Crux is here alone. “Is Joha okay? I thought you might bring him with you.”

Grimacing, Crux releases me from his hold and steps back, glancing between the three of us. Why does he look like that? Fear twists in my stomach, and I look over at Orion to see he looks just as concerned, his hands balled into fists.

“He’s been locked away under house arrest ‘for his own protection,’” Crux explains, shaking his head. His eyes meet mine, intense and full of promise. “Plus, he would only slow me down. Nothing was going to stop me from getting to you.”

If I were the type to swoon, I would at that statement. I consider climbing into his arms once more and showing him exactly how much I missed him.

“House arrest?” Orion barks, cutting through any plans I might have been contemplating. His anger isn’t aimed at any of us, but as he stands, hunched over in the small space, he begins to pace, his emotions close to a boiling point.

Crux watches the guard with a smirk, his smile slowly getting wider. “I have a lot to update you on.” Whatever he knows, he clearly thinks it will help us. “I also have some information that is going to come in handy.” He rubs his hands together, and I recognise his expression. It’s the one he wears when he’s about to commit a new crime, his excitement flashing in his eyes. “Let’s plan a coup.”




Idress in one of my gowns, the dirt hastily washed from my body. I’m ready for battle. Usually, these dresses feel so restrictive and unnecessary, yet right now, I wear it like armour. The dark green fabric looks almost black, covering most of my skin and highlighting the decorative daggers strapped to my waist, and my hair is pinned back and twisted into a quick braid.

I’m allowing my true self to come out. The soft expression and mindless smile the council is used to are long gone. I am fierce, I am strong, and I am about to bring down hellfire on these liars who wish to run the kingdom.

I stride through the corridors of the palace with Joha at my side. He’s dressed in a smart tunic, the colour matching my dress, and a crown rests atop his head, looking regal. I have not had the chance to look in the mirror, but I can just imagine how we look—fierce and united, our fingers interlaced together.

Orion leads the way, and Crux, dressed in his guard disguise, follows closely behind us with Arbella at his side.

Once we formed a plan, we left the safe house and rushed back to the palace. Orion went to Joha, telling him everything, and Crux came with me as I got ready. The first time I saw Joha was only a few moments ago, when we met in the corridor.

Guards surrounded him, but they clearly did not stop him from leaving his palace. I imagine Orion had something to do with that. He commands the loyalty of the guards, and they have always looked up to him with admiration.

Despite Healer Arbella’s reluctance to be here, his expression is determined. He’s not going to back down. He will honour the memory of his friend by helping his son get justice.

Unlike the usual council meetings, this one is an open session, meaning all of the nobility are invited to listen and participate, and it is being held in the ballroom rather than the usual meeting room. It doesn’t take us long to get there, and when we do, there is a row of guards standing across the entrance, the large wooden doors closed.

It looks pretty foreboding and would turn many away. Just the guards’ stern faces and the way their hands tighten on their weapons make you want to turn around and find somewhere else to be.

Not us though. Not today.

Joha faces the guards, my hand still tightly clasped in his. “Open the doors.”

One of the guards in the centre steps forward and clears his throat. “Your Majesty, the council is in session. The whole court is in attendance.”

This was exactly why we decided to strike now—the more witnesses the better.

I arch my brow at the guard who just denied the king access in his own palace. He is either brave or stupid. Although, from what I know of Queen Mother and the council, they probably threatened the guards with harsh punishments should anyone unauthorised try to come in.