“Don’t die while I’m gone.” She laughs and then turns to the shadows I didn’t even see. “Crux, remember, only I get to kill you, so don’t die either.”

“I’ll be waiting.” The voice comes from deep in the darkness.

Stepping from the wall, I cough to get their attention. “It’s time. The changing of guards is happening soon, so we need to be gone before the new ones arrive. It’s better no one knows we have left until it’s too late.”

She nods, glancing back at Crux and Joha. “Don’t be stupid. Play it safe. We will be back in six days, and the kingdom better be standing then.” She lingers for another moment, clearly worried. She turns to me and heads my way, her eyes glinting with determination.

As she walks, she tugs up her hood, the black material concealing her face. Reaching down, she pulls up her face mask, covering her mouth so only her green orbs are seen. In leather braces, boots, and a blouse, she looks like a peasant or, well, an assassin since she has blades at her sides.

She looks dangerous and fucking sexy.

It’s going to be a long few days. I didn’t think about that.

She falls into step at my side, and we move through the shadows to the stables where our horses wait—two black stallions, the fastest and hardiest horses I could find. Their saddlebags are filled with all our supplies. I go to give her a boost, but as I watch, she grabs the saddle and flings herself up, sitting confidently.

Shaking my head, I move closer, checking her stirrups and ensuring everything is safe, my hand lingering on her leg as I look up at her. She meets my eyes, and I swallow what I really want to say. “Stay at my side and keep up,” I order before I mount my own horse as she clicks her tongue and urges hers forward.

“You keep up.” She glances over at me. “If you can, big guy.”

She kicks her horse into a trot, and as soon as we pass through the open gate, she sits deeper in her saddle as we urge our horses faster, speeding through the dark city, straight through Stormhallow, and towards Tundra Province.

I hope I’m right about this.

Please let me be right and my king be safe.




We ride for two days, barely taking any breaks, but the next night, we have to rest. Tundra Pass is a hard, rocky journey, and we spent most of our time walking around fallen rocks and abandoned carts, not to mention fighting bandits. It slowed us down, and I know Orion wants to push on, but our horses need sleep and so do we, so he eventually gives in when the moon is high in the sky.

We find the most concealed place we can. We are surrounded by trees, about a few hours’ ride from Tundra Province. The moon is bright here, and we work silently together to lay down bed rolls, and then I build a fire while he catches something to cook. We work swiftly and well together, depending on each other.

I let Orion cook the meat as I clean my blades and get us water, then we eat in companionable silence.

The fire sits between us, throwing the shadows across the handsome planes of his face. Even now, he’s in his armour, his eyes sharp as he rips into the grilled meat.

“Are you ever going to fuck me?” I ask suddenly.

He chokes, coughing on the meat as his gaze swings to me. “What? I don’t—I . . . What?” he sputters, his eyes darting everywhere as I smirk.

Putting down my wooden skewer, I lay my arm across my knees. “It was a simple question. I’m just curious. You watch me like you wonder how quickly you could undress me, and you kissed me. You want me. I know it and you know it. Everyone knows it. So when are you planning on doing something about it?”

He stares at me, his mouth opening and closing for a moment before he recovers. “I have my duty.” It’s a lame excuse and he knows it, but I know Orion well by now. He puts everyone before him. If left alone, he wouldn’t even sleep or eat for fear of leaving his station. No, he needs someone to push him, and it just so happens I enjoy it.

Besides, I’ve been dreaming about having this big guy between my thighs, begging for me. I’m betting it would be hard and fast, and I want it.

I want him.

“Duty.” I roll my eyes and climb to my feet, then I head around the fire and sling my leg over his lap so I’m perched above him. His eyes widen as my hands hit the metal breastplate covering his skin. “There is no duty right here, right now,” I murmur as I lean in, my lips lingering above his. “Your king is not here. I am. What are you going to do about it?”

“Alyx.” My name is a plea, desire warring with his morals.

Smirking, I rub my lips across his and then over his stubbled cheek to his ear. “I’m your best friend’s wife-to-be.” He jerks, his body stiff. “I’m an assassin, a killer. You shouldn’t want me. Does that about cover it?” I bite his ear until he jerks, and then I lick away the sting. “Now stop listing the reasons why not.” Leaning back, I slide my hand down his armour and press against his hard cock, watching as he swallows. “You want me; I want you. Nothing else matters.”

“It does,” he protests, but his voice is hoarse.