“Not a tequila fan?” Noah asked in surprise because he could have sworn he’d heard a story about a tequila-fueled night of debauchery between Jude and Snow.

Jude shook his head. “I don’t mind tequila. The General just needs some time with Rowe.” His voice dropped closer to a whisper when he continued, “Rowe and Mel’s wedding anniversary is coming up in a week.”

A knot formed almost instantly in Noah’s chest at the reminder of that upcoming date. It had taken Noah two days of dealing with Rowe’s grumpy ass to get him to admit that the anniversary was approaching and then another three days to convince Rowe that they should go for a picnic with the dogs, Rowe’s sister-in-law Gretchen, and her daughter, Melody Rose. Rowe needed to spend more time with his niece and he could spend some time reminiscing with Gretchen about Mel. It seemed like a good plan.

“Did you know her?” Noah asked.

“I saw her a couple of times, I think, at the hospital, talking to Snow.” Jude paused and lowered his eyes to the deck. “I was also one of the first paramedics who arrived at the wreck.”

Noah gasped, his hand slapping over his mouth as if he could pull back the question. He’d asked all Rowe’s friends separately for memories of Mel over the past several months. He was aware that Jude had known Snow before they’d actually started dating, but…

“Fuck, man…I’m sorry. I didn’t mean—”

“It’s okay.” A half-smile pulled up one corner of Jude’s mouth. “What I saw of her…she appeared to be just as much of a smartass as Rowe.” Jude’s smile slipped away and he stared quietly at Noah for a long moment. “What about you?”

Noah snorted and shook his head. “I knew you were about to do that ninja mind thing that Andrei does.”

“What?” Jude said with a chuckle.

“You know, that thing where Andrei just stares at you for a second and says that one thing that cuts through all the bullshit. His ninja mind reading skill.”

Jude laughed again, seeming to relax even more in his seat. “Yeah, I think I have seen him do that a few times. It’s kind of creepy.”

“Rowe’s had him handling all the bodyguard interviews and even some new client interviews. He’s convinced Andrei’s got master bullshit-sensing skills like some Zen ninja monk.”

“Except where Lucas is concerned.”

Shaking his head, Noah shoved some hair out of his face. “Yeah, well…we’re all stupid and blind when we’re in love.” He smirked when Jude continued to stare at him. “Even me, but I’m good. Rowe and I are good. I’ve had more problems adjusting to all this…” He threw his hands out to his sides to encompass everything around them. But he didn’t mean the extravagant houseboat or their remote vacation, and he had a feeling Jude would get it.

“Being a part of the family?” Jude said, his grin stretching wide across his face. He laughed softly and rubbed his head, leaving his hair standing up in different directions. They were all a bit sweaty and windblown, but not one of them cared.

“Yeah!” Noah sat up, shifting so that he was balanced on the edge of the sofa, only a few feet separating himself and Jude. If anyone would understand, it would be Jude. He was an outsider like himself. “I mean, within a couple of months of Rowe announcing that I was officially living with him—permanently—I got the key to the penthouse and then the spare key to your house. All these phone numbers were added to my phone. We’re meeting up with someone or all of you for a meal at least once a week and then there’s the endless group texts about the weirdest shit. And then Snow and Lucas are always arguing about something. Then if it gets quiet, Rowe stirs shit up to get them started again. And then Ian is secretly demanding Snow check Lucas’s cholesterol like the man isn’t going to notice Snow taking his blood like a goddamn vampire.”

Jude’s deep belly laugh stopped Noah’s list and pulled a grin out of him. “I grew up with a big family. I’m used to there always being so many other people in your business, telling you what to do or giving advice you don’t really want.”

“But it’s more that than…” His voice drifted off as he searched for the right words. He opened and closed his fists, reaching for the right words. “It’s like I can feel this weight on my shoulders. That I’ve sneaked into something so big and important, and there’s a part of me just as terrified of fucking this up as I am of fucking up my relationship with Rowe.”

A ninja Zen expression crossed Jude’s face, reminding Noah too much of Andrei and he was really starting to hope that he got that same ninja mind reading skill these two men seemed to have mastered. “There’s no sneaking into this family.”