He liked doing this hands-free. Liked seeing how deep he could take Noah and he used his hands on the man’s ass to pull him in. Soon, Noah was moaning and bracing his knees, obviously trying not to thrust hard into Rowe’s mouth. Being on the bottom in this position—well, it was easy to choke. He’d learned that the hard way once, but now they had this down pat. Still, to make it easier, Rowe urged Noah to move to his side so they could lie facing each other. Again, this was a position that came naturally for them as Noah automatically slid his bottom leg forward so Rowe could wrap one arm around Noah’s leg and rest his head on the thigh. He settled in to lick, dipping his tongue in the slit, relishing the salty taste on his tongue, then he drew Noah into his mouth and throat with deep, slow pulls. Noah groaned, the vibration on his dick making him see stars behind his closed eyelids as he settled into the same. Damn. Rhythm.

Rowe felt his balls drawing up, felt the orgasm building and he wanted Noah with him. He sucked one finger into his mouth next to Noah’s dick to get it really wet. Noah’s moans picked up because he knew what was coming and damned if he didn’t spread his top leg back farther. Rowe was about to lose it and he couldn’t stop his hips from moving faster in and out of Noah’s mouth, so he took his wet finger and slid it into Noah’s ass. He didn’t even have time to reach his goal as Noah bucked and gasped and sucked harder as he came.

Hot semen flooded his mouth and he swallowed and moved his hips faster and faster. Noah added a tight grip to the base of his cock, sucked harder and moments later, Rowe followed him over. The pleasure, so intense, so incredible…he gasped and moaned and quit giving a fuck if the guys heard him. Hell, they were probably all doing the same thing. He wrapped his arm around Noah’s hip and kissed the soft skin on his inner thigh, then just lay there, panting and trying to return his brain cells to normal.

“I was going to hurt whoever stole our lube, but I’ll give them a pass. For now.” Rowe tightened his arm, then let go when Noah moved away.

He turned until they were face-to-face, his still handsome despite the flush and the sweaty curls stuck to his forehead and cheeks. “I’ll steal some back for us in the morning. Three gay couples on a boat in the middle of the lake? There’s bound to be extras.”

“I don’t think gluing a few merpeople around a room is bad enough to cock block, so I’m going to have to come up with something else to get Snow back.”

“Maybe it wasn’t Snow,” Noah murmured as he nuzzled into Rowe’s neck. “Plus, having all those creepy things staring at you during sex? Yeah, Ward, it was a cockblock.”

“They just moved into a different room.”

Noah lifted his head and grinned. “That was the plan all along, wasn’t it? They were right next door to us and you didn’t want to have to listen to their gymnastics.”

“Maybe it was.” Rowe grinned. “Maybe it wasn’t.”Chapter 3Rowe leaned against the wall next to the two bathrooms and crossed his arms. Judging by the sounds coming from inside, he wasn’t getting in there anytime soon and his bladder was threatening to jump ship. One had obvious sounds of double occupation and he listened closer to the second door, only hearing the shower. He considered sneaking in to use the toilet until he heard a muffled moan. Dammit.

Everyone was enjoying their vacation. A lot. Hell, he would have awakened Noah with another blowjob if he hadn’t needed to pee so badly.

“We’re on the love boat,” Noah griped as came up behind him. “Gotta piss like a racehorse too?”

Rowe smiled, taking in the sexy, tangled mess of hair all over his head. After a day in the sun, the lighter strands had faded blond. It looked good, even in its current rat’s nest form. “Looks like we’re going outside.”

Noah just grunted and turned to go toward the door, but the first bathroom opened and Snow and Jude stepped out. “It’s all yours. I think we left some hot water.” Snow winked and followed Jude down the hallway.

“Sounds like you left more than that,” Rowe called after Snow as he shoved Noah into the room first.

“You coming in?” Noah shot him a grin and Rowe remembered a morning when Noah had stepped out of the shower they were using together to pee and the sound had made Rowe have to go immediately—even with the water on. Noah had teased him unmercifully about it since.