Just before Jude called for them to eat, Noah looked up to find Lucas watching him through narrowed eyes. His gaze darted off to the bedrooms and then back to Noah before he tipped his beer at Noah in silent salute. The damn billionaire knew something was up.

They made one last swap and Noah barely held in his laugh when he saw the bedroom. There had to be well over a dozen merpeople statues scattered on the one dresser and two nightstands in the small room. All of them were superglued down and their faces were turned so that their eyes were staring directly at the bed like an army of voyeuristic fish people. Noah didn’t even want to ask how Rowe managed to get two more mermaid pictures on the walls in that room. It was insanely creepy…and perfect.

As Jude called them together for lunch, Noah and Rowe schooled their features, pretending as if nothing was up. Lucas threw a questioning look in their direction but said nothing. Snow and Andrei had just finished getting the boat anchored in a partially shady cove in what appeared to be a quiet part of the lake with deep water.

They happily ate the burgers and chips, making plans for the weekend. There’d be exploring the lake on the Jet Skis and some quiet fishing. They’d acquired enough tackle and bait to see them through two weekends. It was going to be great.

“I think I’m going to try the Jet Ski,” Snow said, stretching his arms over his head. “Who’s with me?”

“I’m in,” Jude quickly chimed in.

“Lucas and I will take them out when you get back,” Andrei added.

“Yeah, go throw on your swim trunks. I’ll clean up,” Lucas offered, already grabbing the bag of chips and folding the opening closed. Snow clapped Lucas on the shoulder and nodded before heading off to the bedrooms, Jude following behind him. Rowe and Noah helped gather up their trash and clean up the kitchen area from Jude’s cooking. Noah’s heart was pounding in his chest as he wait—

“Fucking Ward!” Snow roared, his loud voice echoing through the houseboat.

Rowe busted out laughing and immediately darted for the stairs to the rooftop deck, not that he really had far to run. They were all trapped on a boat. Snow reappeared a half second later, his face flushed. He glared at Noah for a heartbeat before charging straight for the stairs. Rowe’s cackling could be heard along with Snow’s swearing.

“What the hell did he do?” Andrei demanded, his gaze darting from the stairs to the bedroom.

“They put all those creepy mermaids in our bedroom and then glued them down.” Jude growled, coming out of the bedroom.

“Rowe thought you’d appreciate an audience this weekend,” Noah replied.


Jude’s comment was interrupted by a loud shout from both men and then a splash.

They all ran for the open deck area on the first floor to find Snow and Rowe treading water next to the boat, splashing each other while laughing.

“Hey! You’re supposed to wait an hour before swimming!” Jude called at them.

“He pushed me!” Rowe cried, splashing Snow.

Snow laid back and kicked water at Rowe while swimming toward the ladder. “And you pulled me in, asshole!”

A heavy hand landed on Noah’s shoulder and he looked over to find Lucas standing next to him. “Superglue, huh?”

Noah winced, his grin turning more into a cringe. “Yeah. Rowe thought they were a safety hazard if they weren’t glued down. Waves, you know.” Not that there was a chance in hell a big enough wave was going to rock the massive houseboat hard enough to knock over all the statues.

Lucas glanced down at his watch, a thoughtful expression on his handsome face, and then he looked up at Rowe as he climbed back onto the boat. “Congratulations, Rowan.”

“Why’s that?”

“Two hours and five minutes. That’s got to be a new record for losing me the deposit.”

To Noah’s shock, Snow threw his arms over his head and whooped loudly before tossing one arm around Rowe’s neck, pulling him in close. Both men laughed, dripping wet, their clothes clinging to their muscular forms. “Congrats, ass!”

“Yeah, well…you inspire me.”

Snow patted Rowe’s stomach. “Payback’s a bitch.”

Noah had no doubt in his mind that Snow and Jude would be plotting their own prank that would crop up at some weird time during the next three days, but it didn’t matter. Rowe was happier than he’d been in a very long time. He was with his family, and they were in for a hell of a vacation.Chapter 2Rowe watched the moonlight reflect off the water. He loved this private cove with the woods surrounding them in three directions. Crickets and frogs kept up a steady backdrop to the laughter and murmured voices around him. He didn’t know how late it was—close to eleven, maybe. They hadn’t bothered to put on any lights beyond a few candles to keep the mosquitos away. They all wanted to enjoy the night, brightened by the full moon and the reflection of its light on the water. A pleasant tiredness filled him, his muscles feeling loose and relaxed from both the booze and the long day of swimming. With a full belly, a glass in his hand, and the view of his stunning boyfriend laughing in the hot tub, he couldn’t imagine a more perfect ending to the day.