Peering around Noah, he noticed that he wasn’t wearing briefs with a Santa face, but a jockstrap with red straps accentuating Noah’s perfect ass. There was even a small sprig of mistletoe fastened to the back strap, just above Noah’s crack.

Rowe pulled back and swallowed hard. “Holy fuck. Please tell me that’s where this game ends,” he demanded in a rough voice.

Noah shook his head, his smile growing even dirtier. “Nope. That’s the third game of the night.”

“Third? What’s the second?”

Grabbing a handful of Rowe’s hair, Noah pulled him under another sprig of mistletoe. “Find the Lube.”

Rowe happily allowed Noah to manhandle him, moving him inch by inch around the living room, around the recliner, past the coffee table, around the sofa, and under a new sprig of mistletoe tacked to the ceiling, Rowe lost another article of clothing. Noah was in complete control, taking exactly what he wanted while expecting Rowe to submit to him completely. He loved this side of Noah—something he would never have expected of himself. Most of the time, Noah was content to lay back and allow Rowe to be in charge, allow him to explore and figure out exactly what he liked and didn’t like. And what Rowe loved most was making Noah moan.

As soon as he was completely naked, Rowe shoved the front of the jockstrap down and took Noah’s hard length in his hand. Noah groaned into Rowe’s mouth, going still for a moment as Rowe caught the fluid already leaking from Noah and smearing it across the head of his dick. He stroked him hard once, twice, before Noah thrust into his hand. At the same time, Noah grasped his ass cheeks, squeezing them and spreading them. One long finger slid down his crack, caressing the tight bundle of nerves around his hole so Rowe was now moaning, and pressed backward for more pressure.

“Tell me you want me inside you,” Noah growled, still thrusting into Rowe’s fist.

“Fuck yes.” He sighed.

Noah lowered his head, kissing and nipping along Rowe’s jaw. “Beg me. Beg me to bend you over right now.” As he said the words, he pressed harder against Rowe’s hole and a soft whimper escaped him. After everything that had happened recently, he and Noah hadn’t been able to steal more than a few moments together and it was always with the feeling that something could tear them apart at any second. But this…this promise of being taken hard, rough, and raw was enough to have Rowe panting.

“Please, babe,” Rowe said then moaned when Noah slid his finger away. “Oh fuck, Noah, please. I need you. Need you in me.” As desperation ripped through his words, Noah moved his finger back, adding more pressure. “Yes,” he hissed. “Just the thought of you inside me makes me want to come.”

“Then let’s play the second game.”

Before Rowe could ask him what he meant, Noah spun him around and pushed him down onto his knees in front of the couch. He could feel Noah kneel behind him, his body brushing seductively against nearly every inch of Rowe’s back as he leaned forward. “Let’s play Find the Lube,” Noah whispered in his ear. “The faster you find where I’ve hidden the lube, the faster you get fucked.”

Rowe swore and plunged his hands between the cushions of the couch, desperately searching for the little bottle of lubricant Noah had hidden there. Of course, Noah wasn’t still while he searched. Wrapping his arms around Rowe, he took his cock in one hand and his balls in the other, stroking and massaging while his kissed down Rowe’s back. Long fingers stretched from his balls and lightly caressed his taint, wringing a moan out of him, making it damn hard to keep his mind on what he was searching for. He managed to find a TV remote, two dog toys, and fucking thirty cents in change, but no goddamn lube. Noah released his cock and he took a deep breath, trying to get ahold of himself.

But Noah had other plans. “Better hurry. I think I can make you come with just my tongue.”

“Fuck,” Rowe groaned, dropping his head to the cushions as Noah spread his ass with both hands and pressed a kiss on each cheek. He resumed searching and ran across a folded piece of paper. He was about to throw it aside when his eyes caught on Noah’s name and the name of a doctor’s office. He barely noticed Noah had gone completely still behind him as he opened the paper and quickly skimmed its contents. They were test results. Noah’s test results.

“I’m clean,” Noah murmured, his lips lightly skimming Rowe’s shoulder. “In case you’re interested…”

A violent shiver ran through Rowe’s entire body. He clenched his teeth to hold back a needy moan that would have left him coming all over the front of the couch just at the thought of having Noah bare inside of him.